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Sunday, 26 January 2003 |
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Sel lipi : The greater danger? Swasthi Shree! Thus says his sacred Majesty, the gracious Great King, glorious Chakravarthi, King of the Kings of Maya, Pihiti and Ruhuna, Mahoora of the Vanniala-aeththo and ruler of all lands from Yapapatuna to Sampanthota: It has come to the notice of the Maha Vasala that many thousands of soldiers of Amerikaawa have been sent by ship, looking like the armies of god Sakra setting out to attack the demonic asuras, to invade the Yonaka Land Between The Rivers. The chakravarthi of Amerikaawa, Pandhura has said he wishes to remove Takritiye Sadhaam, the chakravarthi of the Land Between The Rivers and replace him with someone who will not produce the deadly agneyashthra and pashupathasthra weapons. Now, it seems that Pandhura, backed by his able aemathini, Konday Haal, has declared that he cannot wait many months, but must strike now. This has dismayed his special relation, Balaya, the chakravarthi of Brithaanya (who is promising to send thousands of well-equipped troops to support Pandhura), who wants to meet Pandhura in two weeks so that people will think the decision was made in consultation with him. It seems that the invincible armies of Amerikaawa, now descending on the Yonaka Desa, have a severe problem. After February, the temperature of these desert lands rises, and the dhandumonaras, yudha-rathas and other weapons of that greatest of hosts may not function very well, as they are designed for cold wars, not hot ones. So it is essential that the all-vanquishing cohorts start their attack within weeks, while the weather is still cool. However, perhaps it is a lowering, not a raising of the temperature that is worrying the god-like bambara-vedhas of the dhavala mandhiraya. The people of Amerikaawa are said to be cooling towards waging war to remove Takritiye Sadhaam. There is a growing feeling that Pandhura is more concerned with thel, the magical oil of the Yonakas, than with punishing whoever was responsible for the dhe-atalla attack (whether Osama Laaden-ge-putha and his 'alkhaida' kalliya or anyone else). It appears that the people of Amerikaawa are also worried that nobody except Balaya has come forward to support Pandhura (Havadiya, the chakravarthi of Pahala Yata, who is the greatest vandhi battaya, that Pandhura has, obviously doesn't count - neither Pandhura not Konday Haal have mentioned him). In fact, not even the people of Brithaanya are behind their chakravarthi in this. The Parangis are almost all united in opposing any invasion. The Land Between The Rivers has some of the largest stores of magical thel, so if Pandhura controls that country, he will have a grip on the throat of the entire world. The Parangis have no wish to be the scavenging jackals of the vessapathis of Amerikaawa. Closer to home, it has come to the notice of the Maha Vasala that the people of this sublime dhammadweepa may have cause to worry about a war. Daham, the bandara of the country's stocks of thel has said that there may be a shortage in such a case. We pray to all the gods that there will be no drought! Meanwhile, in the Parangi country of Jermaniyawa, it has been found that three of every four people believe that Pandhura is a greater danger to the world than Takritiye Sadhaam. Certainly, if the people of our resplendent isle find there is no thel for their lamps and their tele-visayas, they are bound to think the same. Swasthi Shree! This rock edict is made on this day of Ravi of the month of Duruthu of the Year of the Saka Era 1929. - Gotabhaya. |
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