SUNDAY OBSERVER Sunday Observer - Magazine
Sunday, 26 January 2003  
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Aries (March 20-April 19)

No matter what happens to you this year, Friend Aries, you're not likely to feel unloved. You'll spend the year surrounded by people who love you- family, friends, devoted colleagues. But romance and passion are going to be the driving force for you during this period as far as personal relationships go. There will at least be one very special person coming into your life this year, and there might be more than that. Yet, even if not all your love relationships work out, you won't end up alone.

Career and money matters should go well, for you, though you 're going to hit a few snags. This could be due more to your own lack of motivation than because of outside force, such as the economy.

If you don't want to set yourself back in this way, it's best to be prepared and stop yourself whenever you feel like goofing off. Of course, we're all entitled to a little goofing-off time-but if you want to maintain a successful career, it's best to curb the urge most of the time. As for you, you are going to discover some new interests that could keep you busy not only for this year, but for years to come. You may not have all the time you want to pursue them, but they'll still enrich your life and increase your mental capacities. All in all, a great year. By the end of it, you should be a more fulfilled person. Go for the gold.


Gemini (May 20-June 20)

Communication, contact and learning are going to be the keynotes for you. Gemini, you'll be exposed to a lot of new ideas and new interests. Providing the intellectual stimulation to which Geminis are so attached. You're going to be so busy that you might find yourself wanting to spend more time in the car, running to libraries, bookstores, classes or simply to lunch with friends where some lively discussions take place.

Romance is going to play a major role in your life this year, so you'll want to spend a lot of time with your beloved one as well. It looks as if you could well be so busy during 2003 that at times you won't know whether you're coming or going. Travel may be on your agenda during late summer or early fall.

This may sound exciting, and it is, but you need to take care of yourself. Don't overindulge in anything, whether it's chocolate cake, reading or study, or exercising at the gym. There will be changes in your life this year, but there won't be anything too drastic. A change of career or residence, or both could well be the limit.

Even these changes, however, can be stressful if not planned for in advance. This may not be your usual way of doing things, but make the effort anyway. The end of the year may find you feeling more in control of your life than you started out.

You'll be more enthusiastic and optimistic and thus more eager to take on whatever challenges life sends your way.


Taurus (April 20-May 19)

However your year starts out, one thing is certain: when it comes to an end, you won't be in the same place as you were when it began. The changes that take place this year could well be radical. And for the most part, the changes will be for the better.

Career changes will result from one or two lucky breaks, but for the most part, any advancement you attain will be due to your own hard work. You'll be full of energy, ambition, drive, creative inspiration and thus will accomplish a great deal. If you're single, romance will blossom when a new love (or possibly a love from the past) comes on the scene, or if you're already involved, you and your partner should recapture your old romance from the past.

The biggest challenge you'll face throughout the year is being able to discern the difference between truth and falsehood - and to know who is really with you. Be aware of all the undercurrent around you, don't be afraid to do a little background checking, use your intuition when deciding who to ally yourself with, and be very cautious. Without both, inner and outer certainty, trust no one. But aside from these few ambitions - don't work too hard and be careful whom you trust - 2003 is going to be a great year for you, friend Taurus. New Year's eve of 2003 is going to find you in great spirits, looking forward to 2004.


Cancer (June 21-July 21)

Your energy level should be very high for most of 2003, and as a result you'll be able to get more accomplished than you've been able to manage in previous year. For this reason, it might be a good idea to work on projects, which you've always wanted to do, but have never had the time or energy to tackle. Have you always wanted to take up painting, writing, backpacking or surfing? This is the year to do it. Don't allow yourself to make up excuses why you can't. Just do it!

Romance is going to have its ups and downs, but basically it's going to be very satisfying. You'll probably remain with the same partner throughout the year, or at least for most of it, and get closer with the passage of every month. Money should also be plentiful pretty much throughout 2003. There may be a temptation to overspend, but that's something you can easily curb if you set your mind to it.

Your career path looks smooth this year, with no more difficult intervals than you'd normally expect. There'll be at least one major change, and that for the better. Hard work will pay well. For the most part, this should be a productive and enjoyable year for you on many levels. Make the most of the good times, and when they hit, don't let low spirits leave you discouraged. At year's end you will be in a very positive space and looking forward to 2004.

To be Continued

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