Sunday, 9 May 2004  
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Daily News


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House & Property (Services)

Negombo and Seeduwa luxury houses for lease / sale from Rs.8,000/= and 4.2 Mn upwards. 94-11-4833962. 

House & Property Rent/ Lease

Colombo 7 Three Five Borella Rajagiriya Battaramulla suitable residence office flats. Better Homes 94-11-2882654, 94-11-2861126, 94-777-600470. 

House & Property For Sale

Beach Land 233 P available either as Tourist Board approved site for 40 roomed hotell or in two 100P blois. Wtihin Hikkaduwa UC Limits with Galle Rd, andbeach frontage plsu old guestse building. Contact owner after 9 a.m. 0094-11-2584618, mobile 94-777-732583. Email [email protected] 

Borella - Two Blocks of 20P each 1.1 Mn. P.P. 94-777-703748. 

Lease luxury mansion classifed by Tourist Board with river frontage boating bird life 4 bdrms / 4 toilets 5500 sq.ft. well laid out garden at Rajagiriya. 2 km from Colombo City Limits. Tel. 0777 393 564. 

House & Property Wanted on Rent or Lease

British clients require luxury houses preferably with garden pool, Colombo / Nawala / Battaramulla areas. Phone 94-11-2689770 / 94-712-792222 E-mail [email protected] 

House & Property Wanted

Houses, suitable office residence flats Colombo suburbs. Better Homes Fax 2/693232 details write Fifty One, Alexandra Place, Colombo 7. Mobile 94-777-600470. 

Business Opportunity

UK based company provides import / export services to suite your busienss needs,. Your imports from Europe at low prices. For your exportrs we'll find buyers. For colborative prodjects contact us. We provide freight & business support services including hotel bookings. T.P. -++442788084, Mobile -++447977315948, email [email protected] address PDK - PHM, 117, Kingscross Road, London, WC1X9NH. 


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