SUNDAY OBSERVER Sunday Observer - Magazine
Sunday, 15 August 2004    
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The right column

Welcome to the right column, a column that is right not only because all others are to the left of it but also because it is right and not wrong.

Of course in the space-time continuum we all exist left, right or center are all relative.

That's why left becomes right and vice versa or they converge at times. As regards right and wrong different people have different perceptions depending on their point or axis of reference. As far as this column is concerned our axis of reference is the public good.


Last week the Bribery Commissioners came out with a revelation. They said that all high profile complainants from the UNF and the PA, barring two or three, failed to present themselves at the Bribery Commission to substantiate charges they made during the run up to the General Elections 2004 against Ministers or ex-Ministers and other political bigwigs in the rival camp.

What conclusions could be drawn from this contrast in behaviour? Charges were made in the full glare of publicity but secretly they had come to an understanding that they would keep mum. Parliamentary camaraderie, perhaps! Whom are they fooling?

Aren't they making the media a tool in their political games? The media should look sharp.

The police promotion scandal is still hot news. The Commission is blaming the IGP and the IGP says it is the Commission's fault in rushing through the process. Whatever the truth, the fact remains that the Police Commission has been found to be inept and inefficient. The Commission was constituted not to rubber-stamp whatever that is sent to it by the IGP. People expect a fair deal.

A green politico alleged to have raped an under-age girl and abducted her father was absconding. He is reported to have sought anticipatory bail. The latter seems to be a privilege of the affluent as several applications in recent times showed. So far no poor man likely to be arrested has sought anticipatory bail for it is beyond his reach. The talk is that you have to cough out five digit payments to obtain a lawyer to plead anticipatory bail. So much for equality before the law!

What is the authentic Sri Lankan dress for males? Some in the media seem to advocate a dress code for ministers and politicos. There is a lot of criticism against Minister Anura Disanayake for wearing coat and tie during a foreign tour.

There has been no criticism against present or former Ministers from the PA or the UNF wearing the same dress. It is unfair and unjust to single out JVP ministers. There is no Taleban rule here. The hypocrisy is evident.

- the Sceptic

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