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Sunday, 28 November 2004 |
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Call for Palestinians to unite Message of Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine on the international day of solidarity with Palestine declared by united Nations Organisation on 29th November. On November 29, 1947 (then United Nations General Assembly) controlled by the international imperialist and colonialist powers was forced to approve the creation of the Zionist entity of Israel through the resolution of the partition of Palestine into two States: Zionist and Arab. It was the first and the last time in the history of the United Nations that this Organisation gave itself the right to divide a country and to create a state for immigrants from all over the world on the historical national homeland of Palestine and at the cost of another people. Palestinians, believing that this world body cannot be for aggression and racism, were confident that the UN would soon get rid of the domination of imperialist forces and would correct what was done in 1947. Dozens of countries who got their independence later and became members of the United Nations brought about a change in the balance of voting in this international organisation. Many other resolution were later adopted by the United Nations General Assembly to correct the grave situation in Palestine where hundreds of Palestinians were being massacred and thousands chased out of their homes. But those who pushed this International Organisation to the sin of legitimising the creation of Israel on the usurped Palestinian soil, have prevented the implementation of these UN resolutions. Instead they encouraged Israel to promote its terror and aggression, challenging the will of the international community. Territories The Zionist entity which occupied more than 70 per cent of the Palestinian territories immediately after its creation in 1948, challenging even the resolution of partition, continued its raids and aggressions, forced the majority of Palestinian people to live in refugee camps in exile suffering the worst conditions a people have ever lived. Moreover the Zionist entity launched continuous attempts of collective physical and political liquidation against the Palestinian people. Not satisfied with all these, the Zionist entity occupied the rest of Palestine territories, and later more territories in adjoining Arab countries after the 1967 war. The Palestinian people from the inception faced this Zionist aggression and are continuing to do so even now with a heroic armed and political struggle to defend themselves and their human and national rights and to liberate their national homeland Palestine. Through their determinations the Palestinian people organised and mobilised the scattered millions of Palestinians all over the world, built their revolutionary armed forces and their social, cultural, scientific and other institutions believing that whatever the challenges will be, their struggle will continue, the refugees will return to their national homeland and that their independent Palestinian State will be created to increase the Palestinian participation in the international efforts to create a new world of justice, freedom and peace. Massacres It is the Palestinian determination to live, that enabled them to overcome the endless raids, collective elimination, massacres and conspiracies of Israel, its creators and protectors and some Arab countries who fear a State of Palestinian people and try to control the Palestinian struggle. The PLO cannot be eliminated nor controlled, and the Palestinian struggle for the return to Palestine, the self determination, the peace and justice will one day march towards its victory. The Palestinians are proud that after 56 years of suffering, they can still count on the support of the UNO even though this support is confined to resolutions. On the other hand the support of the European Community in the recent years has been very encouraging. The Non Aligned movement, SAARC, Arab League and many other countries and organisations had been consistent with their support to the Palestinian cause. The Palestinians believe that this support and solidarity added to the unlimited Palestinian determination to achieve the final victory which will end the tragic crimes of the imperialist and Zionist forces against Palestine. The International Solidarity with the people of Palestine, which was proved effective and fruitful, seems urgently needed today more than before, while the Palestinians are facing, beside the continuous barbarian Zionist aggression, a spiteful conspiracy to destroy the best democracy in the Middle East created by PLO. Today the undisputed leader of the Palestinian people President Yasser Arafat is no more there to lead the struggles. A wall is being built across the Palestinian land forcibly acquiring the lands and homes of the Palestinians. Daily raids are killing Palestinians in hundreds. Any retaliation in self defense is branded as terrorism. Israel is creating suicide bombers and Palestinian leadership cannot prevent this. However we are confident that the determination of the Palestinian people and their traditional readiness to sacrifice their lives for the homeland, supported by international solidarity, will defeat the long lasting Israeli criminal aggression and ensure Palestinians the final victory. Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine on this day appeals to all Sri Lankans to express their support and solidarity with the people of Palestine with greater emphasis specially due to the fact that at the moment Palestine is without a leader. 'Father of Palestine' is no more. We therefore fervently appeal to all groups in Palestine to discard all their differences and unite as one body to face the Zionist manipulations. This unity alone will enable the Palestinians to achieve their ultimate goal, the State of Palestine. |
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