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Sunday, 8 January 2006  
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Resolution New Year

dissin' the system by rikki

"The New Year has dawned." "Oh my God, it's 2006." "Happy New Year!" Aren't you just sick to your stomach with all the new year exclamations that are exclaimed everywhere. People actually seem to think that this year is going to be better than the last.

How stupid is that? Why is it so hard to understand, for the people out there to accept that the new year isn't going to get any better than the previous year. Rather it is going to be even worse; it is simply the way of life, the way of the dawning years. The new year will see more disasters, both man made and natural. It will see the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It will see a dozen new afflictions discovered as one disease is cured. It will see even more hollow-skulled people in positions of power as the intelligent are brought down.

The new year will basically be life getting even more unfair, more despicable, more unworthy. So the next time someone wishes you a happy new year, just bash in their head, or something.

The new year wishes expending lasts at most only the entire month of January, yet the that is new year resolutions lasts so much longer.

They start around the eve of new year as people with nothing to do, laze around on that comfy chair in the living room during an advertisement break as Sri Lanka lost horribly to India, thinking of what the next year would bring. These puny minded people in an effort to feel important scratch their heads wondering how they might improve themselves through new year resolutions. If only that were possible.

What is the point of making new year resolutions when taken overall , it is not likely that they will stick to it for long; a couple of hours, a few days or a month or two depending on what you've resolved to do.

The ardent smoker resolves to stop smoking entirely. To help him complete this arduous task he chainsmokes before the clock strikes twelve then with a nervous smile on his face he throws out the remaining cigarettes with shaky fingers.

Three hours later he has locked himself in his room to stop himself getting out to buy ciggies. Six hours later he has tied himself to the bed. Nine hours later in a rage without the nicotine, he decides to simply cut down the number of cigarettes he smokes instead of completely putting a stop to it: is not slow and steady the way to go. A week later the smoker is back to puffing his normal quota of ciggies, even having an extra or two for seeing through the madness that enveloped him during the season.

The chocolate lover resolves to end her chocolate addiction. The chocoholic finishes her lion share of chocolates of the season before the new year itself arrives. She then locks herself in her room, dreaming of milky, sweet chocolate melting in her mouth, she dreams of marzipan, chocolate ice cream, hot chocolate, chocolate cake, everything chocolate.

Eight hours later she wakes up to see her oh-so-thin sister wolfing down a box of swiss chocolate. Crying and frustrated she hides herself in her attic refusing to come down and break her resolution when ten hours after countdown the ice cream on the bike passes by the house. Resolve lost she rushes down and gulps down a few litres of chocolate ice cream as she takes comfort in the fact that she has come to her senses and that no matter what chocolate will always be by her side to comfort and console.

People spend long periods of time trying to figure out what their new year resolutions are going to be though they themselves and everyone else as well, knows that it's all just crap. No one who is in the habit of having new year resolutions ever keeps it.

The worst part is of course when they rub it in your faces, loading you with garbage about their resolutions, how their attempt this year is fool proof, how they simply could not fail, blah, blah, blah. And then of course they fall down on their faces, hide their shameful selves for a little while and get back in your face, irritatingly so.

Think about it. If you want to do something for yourself, if there is something that you wish to accomplish, why wait 52 weeks for it than start then and there. The people with the will power and the real wish to accomplish their goals do it no matter when.

It is the people who are bound to fail, that make new year resolutions. For people that habitually come up with new year resolutions do not really wish to accomplish their goals, it is simply a foolish attempt to prove to themselves that they can do it whenever they want to but they simply will not. If you don't want to do something, why resolve to do it anyway every new year?

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