Sunday Observer
Seylan Merchant Bank
Sunday, 29 January 2006    
The widest coverage in Sri Lanka.










Oomph! - Sunday Observer Magazine

Junior Observer


Tsunami Focus Point - Tsunami information at One Point

Mihintalava - The Birthplace of Sri Lankan Buddhist Civilization

Silumina  on-line Edition

Government - Gazette

Daily News

Budusarana On-line Edition

RADA, FCCISL MoU to rehabilitate tsunami affected enterprises

A historic MoU was signed between RADA - Reconstruction and Development Agency (former TAFREN) which was set up by President Mahinda Rajapakse following the tsunami that struck the country on December 26, 2004 to co-ordinate and assist government agencies and institutions in their efforts at reconstruction and rehabilitation in the tsunami affected regions and The Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL) for greater utilisation of the Back to Business Project and its network to expedite rehabilitation of tsunami affected enterprises.

The signatories to the MoU were Saliya Wickramasuriya, Chief Operating Officer of RADA and Nawaz Rajabdeen, President of FCCISL.

The TAFREN predecessor of RADA was set up by President Rajapakse, following the tsunami. RADA co-ordinates and assists government agencies and institutions in their efforts at reconstruction and rehabilitation in the tsunami affected regions.

RADA will fall under a Parliamentary Act for three to five years during which time it will focus on ensuring accelerated economic growth within Sri Lanka, through the successful completion of the rebuilding process.

FCCISL is one of the foremost private sector organisations involved in the rehabilitation and reconstruction effort of the government.

The FCCISL launched a massive rehabilitation program termed "Back to Business" to reactivate the affected LMSMEs in the tsunami ravaged areas in March 2005.

The rehabilitation program is a carefully designed one which will take into account all aspects of support required to enable the LMSMEs to be back on their feet again and set about their day to day business as in the past.

One of the advantages the FCCISL has in implementing a rehabilitation program of this nature, is its district chambers of commerce and industry network in the affected coastal areas. This formed an ideal delivery mechanism in the rehabilitation efforts.

The program has been accepted by the Government, the donor community and the affected enterprises in the coastal belt of Sri Lanka.

The "Back to Business" program is a complete package of services to resuscitate the affected LMSMEs in a sustainable manner.

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