Mangled Monitor
Now that the LTTE has fired volleys at a
vessel with truce monitors on board, and followed that up with a finger
wagging warning to the SLMM, the Norwegians could get out of bed one of
these fine mornings, and realize that the LTTE represents the forces of
freshly brewed anarchy.
It took Norway an eon to come to that realization perhaps, but at
least it's clear now that the Nordic pantomime in this country always
had a quantity of theatre borrowed from the absurd.
Norway covered for the LTTE as if for a sibling conjoined at the hip,
but this cohabitation between Siamese twins is never easy. Eventually,
the habits of one would become intolerable to another, and one Siamese
twin is bound to decree that they be separated even at peril of joint
fatality, with a swift surgical incision.
Nothing could have been more representative of the LTTE's current
pose of belligerence than the warning issued with the swagger of a
Northern tough draining his last dram at a tavern. "Travel in one of
those Sri Lankan Navy boats, and you do so at your own risk,'' the Tiger
spokesman said. So what are the Norwegians waiting for?
But, could Mahinda Rajapakse, who is a practised exponent in the art
of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat, salvage peace from the
gateway to anarchy?
He is trying, and it's an almost tantric spiritual exercise to tame a
mob that respects no elder, no mediator, not even the Norwegian hand
that covered up for its inflagrant moments of utter embarrassment after
egregious violations of a truce.
Now, the warlordism of the Vanni command has reached uncontainable
limits. Visualize Farah Adid, or Slobodan Milosevic, and a fairly
accurate mental note could be made of the current posture of the tribal
leader of Killinochchi.
He is at a point of being able to mouth near-obscenities at his most
ardent sponsors, ranging from the liberal sacred hearts of the media to
the nursing-specialists and handmaidens from the NGO lobbies, and the
unctuous troubleshooters from Norway. To all of them, it's a
contemptuous dismissal from the man who formented war while entertaining
every simpleton who waltzed into his parlour singing a ballad of peace.
In retrospect, therefore, it appears that it's time for a mass
reckoning. Every sucker born every minute since Velupillai Prabhakaran
signed the ceasefire with a penetrating stare through ill-fitting
spectacles, could now stand up and be counted.
Wasn't that an edifying experience for many of these folks for whom
Prabhakaran could do no wrong?
But, historical records will show that these are cyclical happenings.
Prabhakaran is in the doghouse one day, and he is out in the open the
next, with a smile that looks like soap lather emblazoned cheek to
That's almost the natural order of things now, the phenomenon of the
repeated banishment and rehabilitation of the Tamil Liberation Tigers.
In this round, the liberators, the Norwegians, almost had two of their
own paid hands obliterated in a bomb blast that can be attributed to the
Tiger with a frown on its face.
But, up next will be the happy Tiger, the Tiger with a smiley face
that could be used as a sticker for a schoolboy's picnic lunch. That's
the way of the world then. Tigers have discovered the art of
metamorphosis through the good offices of the international community,
and therefore the Tiger has more skins it can shed than certain species
of snake. We need a new lesson, it seems in botany, and strangely, it
has to be taken in a course for International Relations.
Giving the finger
Bishop Duleep de Chickera has said he
will not walk into the finger printer's den in the British High
Commissioner's office, and he has imparted the British a lesson on
history if not on political correctness. He said that 'authorities have
not been adequately briefed on the impact of colonization which we
suffered under British imperialism for one hundred and fifty years.''
This is assertive, and almost as sternly delivered as a papal
encyclical, but its worth the question 'will the British care, or at
least dare a reply to this man of the cloth who talks.'
It's the selective fingerprinting by the British that's been
obnoxious about British immigration practices, in the context that
fingerprinting is becoming a common practice that's encountered by most
international travellers crossing borders.
But the British singled out Sri Lanka, as a laboratory test case for
biometrics, or whatever this odious practice of fingerprinting for Visa
issuance is called. If there is a slur that's perceived, we could
suggest that there are answers. Every British citizen seeking entry into
this country could be asked to produce at least one of the digits on his
forearm for a little biometric data clustering.
Once this is done, Mr. Earl Gray from Fulham or Lady Windermere from
Putney could go their merry way, and keep their stiff upper lip, and how
is that for a welcome please?
But, reciprocity on the other hand is not an exercise that is fully
optional in the conditions that obtain in the international playing
field. We could try to put this across politely. Just because the
British colonized us, we never tried to colonize them? The only way to
turn the other cheek, is by refusing to go to Britain, as the Reverend
Chickera has done.
But we presume the business he has there is strictly spiritual, but
what of the man who is hailed to Blighty for more pressing concerns? |