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Government Gazette

Politics Unpacked

CMC comic strip

The Colombo Municipal Council controversy has reached its comic nadir. Kidnappings, resignations and what not are all part of this political farce of the new era.

However, when the President discussed this issue recently with members of the media, he was at the receiving end of suggestions galore. Do this, or do that, he was told by those who dole out unsolicited advice, until one who had just about enough of all that, came out with the reason for the whole problem. "The cause of all this is that the UNP list got tippexed," he said.

Then he made the suggestion that he said should avoid these kinds of issues in the future. Said he: "Sir, you must ban tippex."

Rather like banning movies, what?


Man of Peace

A peace man, as simple and as down to earth as a sanniyasi, has yet to get used to the rapacious ways of the press.

He carries the latest gadgetry around him to keep up with the times, but even with a blackberry hand held from which he can send e-mails while just about doing anything, he cannot keep the curious press pack away from him.

But he took all comers with a smile, until recently when somebody called him well past 11 pm. He said "do you know what time it is?" A man of peace, the caller realised, must first be allowed a little peace for himself.


The other guy

Who comes for Presidential briefings?? Its a fair and lean man, a brother, who might have been first brother had the other guy won the Presidential elections. He comes, simply attired, and fires questions too, though he is more Manager than journalist.

No matter. He would have probably had the run of Temples Trees (or President's house) as the case may be if the other guy had got elected, but even for the fifteen minutes that he is there with the current incumbent M. R. presiding over affairs, he acts nonchalant, a if he has no famous brother, and would have never been first-brother in the first place. In all, it's a wholesome presence for a man who might have been...


Running the Big Bank

Who is the next Governor of the Bank, the Big Bank., that's the bank to all the other banks. The Big Chief there stepped down this week, and there was one name particularly mentioned as that of a possible successor.

Then came another name, as if it was pulled out of a hat. Banking circles were full of it. Was the CEO of the year just about to say "See You" to the bank that he runs, so that he could run the big Bank, the Bank to all other Banks?


At the deep end

What are the politics of filmdom? Deepa Metha's Water is playing in Colombo, and Chandran Rutnam who collaborated with her is on a roll, promoting the film.

It has got rave reviews, but it's not very entertaining or edifying to know that the film will not qualify for the Oscars. Why not? It's apparently neither fish nor fowl for Oscar tastes. It's made in Canada and is therefore "not a foreign language film." But, it's also not English.

So it's somewhere in between, and has no slot at the Oscars. Hybrid, like Metha herself.


'Jubilant' remarks

Why did a foreign political analyst use the words the President was "jubilant."

The President of Sri Lanka had to be jubilant alright, he won an election victory which a lot of people didn't expect him to. Then, he formed a government.

But is he jubilant about certain other things?? Is he "jubilant"; that the Tigers were banned by the European Union.

Well, gratified, yes, considering that it makes life easier for him but as a Presidential aide made efforts to say, maybe the word jubilant there was a tad misplaced.

He is satisfied at a statesman's level.. but he is certainly not gloating.



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