Royal College holds Annual commerce day
by Ananda Kannangara

Arrival of the Chief Guest Wijeyadasa Rajapaksha. Principal Upali
Gunasekara and Master-in-Charge E. M. Sugathadasa are also in the

Museaus College won the C.T.M. Fernando memorial trophy. The trophy
was presented by the wife of the late C. T. M. Fernando.
Royal College, Colombo last week held
its annual Commerce Day with the participation of nearly 500 children
from 70 schools in Colombo and the outstations.
MP Wijeyadasa Rajapaksha was the chief guest. He gave away
certificates to the winners of the inter-school quiz competition held to
coincide with Commerce Day celebrations.
Rajapaksha valued the importance of learning Commerce as a subject by
school children who will become the leaders of tomorrow's commercialised
world. He also spoke about the values of commercialisation.
A Committee member of the Royal College Commerce Society, Ashoda
Panduka said the objective of holding such an event annually was to
develop educational skills of students following Commerce as a subject
at the Advanced Level Examination.

Winners of the quiz competition, receiving their certificates from
Principal Upali Gunasekara.
The office bearers and the Committee members of the Commerce Society
2006 and 2007 are Panduka Kannangara, Gamith de Alwis, Thilina
Chandrapala, Sujan Jayasiriwardena, Danra Wanniachchi, Ayesh Rajapakshe,
Rakith Rajapaksa, Tharuka Goonawardena, Pulasti Gangabodaarachchi,
Prashan Muthugala and Thilina Senanayake.
A new website was also be opened by the Commerce Society under the
guidance of Principal Upali Gunasekara.