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Government Gazette

Mutt Bala's act of monumental folly

We have recently read news items about Anton Balasingham, being ill with a disease associated with progressive degeneration of his nervous system. However, reading his so-called "apology" to India for the LTTE's assassination of Rajiv Gandhi gives one the impression that the degeneration has certainly affected his capability to think.

With the Indian Government rejecting outright the expression of regret by Balasingham for this heinous crime, 15 years after the bloody event, and also his plea for India to be magnanimous in dealing with the LTTE, I though it would be useful to get of Rajiv Gandhi himself on the matter.

I visited a well-known medium in Colombo, who puts one in contact with others who had gone before us. She showed surprise that I wished to contact Rajiv Gandhi, wherever in the world of spirits he may be. When I explained the reason for my interest she quickly began her task. I soon heard the voice of Rajiv.

"I'm sorry to disturb you sir, but there is a person here very eager to speak to you" the medium said.

"What is it about?"

"Some statement made by one Anton Balasingham," she said.

"Very good," said Rajiv Gandhi. "I was hoping someone would contact me. You know how difficult it is for us to contact those still in one piece on earth."

"Go on," the medium said. "He is ready to talk."

I spoke with some trepidation, not being used to such encounters with who are no more with us. "Mr. Gandhi, have you heard of Anton Balasingham's statement that the LTTE regrets its assassination of you, and that they consider it a monumental historical tragedy?"

Rajiv Gandhi sounded very relaxed, wherever he was. "Well, let me first tell you something about this man Balasingham. I always thought he was a bit of an overblown mutt. He has now proved my suspicions about him".

"You mean you don't care two paisa for this statement of regret made by him on behalf of the LTTE?"

"Of course, I don't. Balasingham says my assassination was a monumental historical tragedy. I suppose it was not just a tragedy but a major calamity for the LTTE, and its leader that Prabhakaran guy hiding in, where is that...yes, Mullaitivu. I think it is a monumental folly for Balasingham and those blood thirsty tigers to have made this statement."

"Why do you say that?"

"What the hell does he take the Indian Government and the people of India for? Surely, the LTTE and this mutt Balasingham should know they cannot take India for a ride with a belated and wishy-washy statement of this type, which is neither here nor there."

"But now that you are not among the living, don't you think you can be magnanimous and forgive them for their crime?"

"It is not for me to forgive. In assassinating me they attacked India and the Indian people. Magnanimity cannot come so simply. I just met that Major General from Sri Lanka who was dispatched here two days ago by another suicide killer. How can India or anyone else be magnanimous with people who continue to use suicide killers to achieve their ends?

"But Balasingham says they will give a pledge to India about not doing anything to damage the interests of India. Can't you accept that?"

"These are the usual fairy tale pledges of the Tigers. I remember very well how that ungrateful criminal, Prabhakaran, who bit the hand that fed him, surrendering his revolver, as a symbol of giving up arms. What did they do after that? They began attacking our Indian troops. That is a story I would rather not go into as it might hurt the feelings of some others who are here with me." "Is that all you have to say about Balasingham's expression of regret?"

"Well, if there is any genuine regret on their part, Balasingham had better arrange for his leader to appear before the Indian Courts to face the sentence due to him. Let them also prove to the world that they have renounced terrorism.

There can be no magnanimous gestures towards people who still assassinate others the same way they assassinated me."

As Rajiv Gandhi's voice was receding there were many voices heard, all trying to get in touch with me. One voice drowned all others. It was that voice of President Premadasa. "Has Balasingham given any indication about when they will admit to my assassination and also express their regret for it?

"No comment so far" I said.

"But I noticed that his statement refers to me although not by name."

"What is that?"

"Well, doesn't he say the LTTE had negotiations with Sri Lanka and secured the withdrawal of Indian troops?"

"Balasingham has got his facts wrong. They did not negotiate with Sri Lanka. They negotiated with me. I was Sri Lanka. It was I who arranged for the withdrawal of Indian troops. These ungrateful Tigers, they can't even acknowledge the role I played at the time."

"Yes, I recall the money and the arms given to the Tigers."

"I know that Rajiv did not want to raise those things, because we are all friends here now. One would expect these Tigers to show some gratitude for all what I did for them, even though they took me off on that May Day."

"So what is your message to Sri Lanka?"

"It's very simple. Don't make the mistake that I made, even to satisfy political ambitions. Don't trust the Tigers. I repeat don't ever trust the Tigers. They will always betray you."

There were several others killed by the LTTE trying to reach me. I heard the voices of Ranjan Wijeratne, Denzil Kobbekaduwa, Appapillai Amirthalingam and Rajini Thiranagama, among many others. But my medium was too tired. She said it was time to close the session.


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