That's Life
I don't really believe I'm strong enough about certain things I
believe in. Church music is one of them and birthday presents too
happens to be one. Now I strongly believe that a birthday present should
remain a surprise, though of course it goes without saying that if Daddy
Boy wishes to know what sort of car I would like for my birthday I'd
like it very much if he were to ask me beforehand, infact I'd prefer it
that way.
But friend Sonali apparently had other ideas. Or maybe it was just
that she derived some sort of pleasure by continuously pressing me to
guess what her present for my birthday was going to be. This was totally
against my principles and I told her that I'd much rather be surprised.
If you think about it you too will realize that the thrill of taking off
wrapping paper is magnified if you have no earthly idea of what is
inside. Ah, but no.

"No, you have to guess" said Sonali stubbornly.
"Fine, have it your way. A ship in a bottle. A ticket for a luxury
cruise around the world, though I hope it's not dated, what with exams
around the corner. A designer beach ball..."
"You are mean" declared Sonali.
"Oh, I'm mean am I? Well how mean is it to make someone guess her
birthday present when she wants to be surprised?"
"Okay so you can't guess. Bad at it you are, heard me? BAD"
Now that stung. After watching MISS CONGENIALITY 1 I had even
entertained ideas about joining the FBI (although I later realized that
agent Matthews would not be working there). So grumpily I asked for a
"Some parts you can keep forever and some parts you can't" recited
"Perfume? A tub of ice cream?"
"Well, I give up..."
"Oh, go on... It's funny to watch you guessing away..."
"Gee, glad to be of some help...Look, I have no idea... I didn't want
to know in the first place, remember?"
"Please, just one more try..."
"A badly preserved mummy?"
"No, none of those things" said Sonali happily. "Wait and see will
you..." Well, I waited and was rewarded (by a triumphant Sonali) with a
lovely bottle of perfume, which wasn't really fair of her if you see
what I mean.
But on the other hand, it's also somewhat helpful when a few days
before your birthday your aunt calls you to find out, this is for her
daughter of course, whether you have "Great Expectations" by Charles
Dickens. Now you are very much aware that her daughter reads nothing of
this sort. Of course as you are probably thinking that it could be for
her English literature class in school, but if the said daughter is a
thirty five year old mother of five children (aged one to five), this
can hardly be the case.
So of course warning bells go off in your head with a loud clamour
and although you don't really have the book you say that you do ("Bro
Boy has a copy too" you add for good measure). There will come a time
when an aunt, given such an answer, will say that oh how nice and could
she please come around in the afternoon to borrow it? In reality this
scenario is yet to take place, so you don't really have to be too
precautious about this sort of thing.
But sometimes you may have to take matters into your own hands by
dropping little hints here and there as to what you would like to have
for your birthday. Now I'm most certainly sure that you can do better
than asking out aloud at dinner whether anyone would like to know what
you would like to get for your birthday. It is an art in itself and
subtleness is the key.
You must try to give everyone else the impression that you are not
even remotely aware of your impending birthday. With this in mind you
must take time to admire your mother's jewellery, if that is what you
would like to get.
Got it? You must be a bit strong to try this out because Daddy Boy
might be heard snorting away saying "ha diamonds..." and you must appear
to be totally bewildered. But birthdays are ever so nice anyway, even
without presents, so I certainly hope that you have a nice time on your
Dilini Algama |