Bribery Commission to probe Maharoof
by a Special Correspondent
President Mahinda Rajapaksa has directed the Bribery Commission to
investigate allegations of corruption and fraud levelled at UNP Colombo
district MP, Mohamed Maharoof.
U. K. Hewapathirana, Additional Secretary to the President conveyed
the President's decision to the Director General of the Bribery
Commission this week. This action follows a petition sent to the
President by UNPer, T. M. Sanghadasa.
Meanwhile, the election of Colombo District MP (UNP), Mohamed
Maharoof to Parliament is to be challenged in court shortly on an
allegation of making a false declaration to the Elections Department and
Parliament over his date of birth, UNP sources disclosed yesterday. A
very senior UNPer from Colombo Central is expected to go before court on
this issue.
Sources said the MP reportedly born in 1951 has declared his date of
birth as 7.3.1956 and is also alleged to be in possession of two
national identity cards bearing Nos. 560666505V and 560674066V which are
believed to be forged. It is alleged that he had used NIC No-560666505V
to obtain a non immigrant visa to travel to Washington DC, USA. He had
on July 20, 2004 signed as a guarantor to a vehicle lease with the
Commercial Bank of Ceylon Ltd, using the second NIC, No-560674066V. The
vehicle had been obtained on lease in the name of his former private
secretary, Mohamed Minzar. Possession of forged documents and
declaration of false information by those who hold public office is a
criminal offence under the Penal Code.
The MP's passport, bearing No. D-0009031, obtained on 6.11.2000 does
not mention an NIC number. Instead, that column reads as NO
NIC001070429. Immigration sources explained that NONIC meant 'no
national identity card' submitted to obtain the passport. However, on
the same day, the MP in his US non immigrant visa form had mention his
NIC number as 560666505V.
The senior Colombo UNPer who is expected to challenge Maharoof's
election to Parliament claim that according to school records, Maharoof
had been admitted to a leading Catholic College in Kotahena in 1956 to
the Lower Kindergarten and had sat the GCE (O/L) in Commerce in 1966.
The Primary School Headmaster in 1956 had been Rev. Brother Victor and
the Principal of the College in 1966 had been Rev. Brother Lawrence, the
UNPer revealed.
In the application that is now being prepared to file before court,
the names of four classmates who have studied with the MP in the
Commerce stream and five others who had been with him up to grade eight
have been cited. All of them are reported to be alive and born in 1951. |