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Government Gazette

Battle joined for the streets of Colombo

The fisticuffs were a mere skirmish. Metaphorically, it was not an opening salvo of cannonade but a few rounds of small-arms fire; but it beacons the future. About a dozen monks of the Jathika Sanga Sammalenaya (JSS) with a few dozen supporters invaded the stage and attempted to break-up a meeting organised by the National Anti-War Front (AWF) on August 17. When the intruders refused to dismount, unfurled their banners and attempted to speak from the platform they were manhandled by the restive crowd and kicked out with relative ease. Maybe this time with ease, and maybe it was a trial run to see if toughs cloaked in saffron robes could get away with mayhem, next time however they and their JVP-JHU fellow travellers will come much better prepared.

An anti-war front is not a pacifist entity; it must protect itself from attack and disruption by antagonists. It is opposed to this war which is polarising ethnic communities, inflicting avoidable suffering on thousands and destroying property and infrastructure. If antagonists attempt to capture its platform, it must not permit it.

In 1936 Britain's incipient fascist movement, remembered by names such as Oswald Mosley, attempted to stamp its imprimatur on the streets of London. The National Front marched through London's East End, then the heart of its working class district, deliberately provoking a decisive contest between budding British fascism and the workers of the city. Battle was joined in Cable Street where the East Enders broke up the march inflicting a decisive defeat from which the National Front never recovered.

The incident at Viharamahadevi Park on August 17 was too small to count as our version of the Battle of Cable Street, but it is its harbinger. Not just those who are opposed to the war, but all those who sense the abrogation of democratic rights as a looming danger, must quickly close ranks.

In recent months everywhere one feels a spreading authoritarian atmosphere - muggy oppression seems to be in the air, the khaki uniform has become a power unto itself. Fascism gains more by democratic citizens not taking heed of the danger, than by anything that dictatorial gangs can themselves do. Spreading hysteria and promoting war-mongering is, clearly, the instruments that this nation's chauvinists intend to use. Therefore, let us never forget that 'the price of freedom is eternal vigilance'. Unite against this menace or perish, that must be our slogan for the coming period.

The Anti-War Meeting

The AWF meeting, which went ahead smoothly after the JSS disruptors were shooed away, was interesting in two respects; the participants representing a wide range of political and non-governmental organisations closed ranks on fundamental issues in the face of the threat, and secondly, while they understood the significance of this small victory, there was a readiness to face the real McCoy when, inevitably, it comes. Both of these are very significant lessons for a democratic citizenry to build on.

UNP trade unionist Rajitha Senaratne got the message across clearly; the organisations represented in the AWF 'cannot agree on 150 things', but agreement on two core issues had brought them together; the demand for an immediate cease-fire and the demand for a solution to the national question based on power sharing. He went on to add that a Sinhala consensus means a consensus between the UNP and the SLFP, let the JVP and JHU go fry themselves; refreshingly clear, correct and to the point.

Of the two left leaders, Vasudeva spoke of the historical antecedents of similar fascist disruptors in our history and Vickremabahu pointed a finger at the government and asked from where these fascists got the gumption and confidence to try to break up pro-peace meetings. A further point was: What a useless circus it is to invite the LTTE for negotiations if the government shackles itself with the 'unitary state' concept as a precondition.

A very significant presence was Mano Ganesan since he brings together a Colombo based Upcountry Tamil and Ceylon Tamil consensus.

The Tamil people are caught between LTTE extremism emanating from the North and Sinhala-Buddhist chauvinism in the South, they have to exercise their determination here and now in respect of this dilemma, that was his message.

The rally also comprised a large Muslim presence - a very welcome development, spurred no doubt by Muttur.

The Muslims have, quite wisely, kept aloof from the folly of the Sinhalese and Tamils up to now, but events are sucking them into the whirlpool. They are the key to making devolution in the East work.

LTTE-JVP/JHU symbiosis

Given the context, that is the JSS attempt at breaking up the meeting, the point made by some speakers about extremist forces strengthening each other was telling. Let me restate what I heard: The LTTE has eliminated many UNP leaders (Premadasa, Gamini, Lalith, perhaps Ranjan), some SLFP leaders (Lakshman, the attempt on Chandrika) and all alternative Tamil voices (Amirthalingam, the Yogeswarans, Annamalai, EPRLF leaders, recently Kethish and dozens more), even an Indian of Prime Ministerial status was not immune. But has the LTTE ever touched one hair of one Sinhala-Chauvinist extremist? Why are the JVP, JHU and JSS apparently its most secure buddies? Hmmm interesting - I have never before heard this point made quite so tellingly. Seems like there is nothing like one extremist to fortify another!

Nevertheless, I have also repeatedly made the point that the Tamils will not, and indeed should not, abandon the LTTE, notwithstanding its woeful democratic and human rights record, until they as a people have settled their constitutional and governance problems with the incumbent Sinhala-State. It is pleasing that, at last, even Anandasangaree now says (Daily News August 16 ) 'I wish to categorically state that the Tamils and I hope the Muslims too, will never agree for a solution under a Unitary constitution under which during the last 50 years no solution was found. Even if the LTTE is completely eradicated the Tamils can never be compelled or persuaded to accept a solution under a unitary system. If this is what the last credible pro-government Tamil voice has to say, well Mr. Rajapaksa should listen!

On the military front the battle for Jaffna swings to and fro, the LTTE seems to have been bloodied for now but it is not possible to say how fortunes fate will unravel in the coming weeks. At most one or the other side will secure an advantageous negotiating position, nothing more irrevocable or irremediable is going to come out of this butchery; there will never be an ultimate military solution. In the meantime hundreds of combatants are slaughtered and hundreds of thousands of civilians trampled into misery.

The AWF demands a return to the pre-Mawilaru status quo in the East and an immediate cessation of hostilities in the North.

The CFA can still be restituted without difficulty since little or no territory has changed hands; much better than saffron robed war-mongering. Then there will be a breathing space for negotiating and drafting a new democratic constitution, but that too only if the political will exists.


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