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Book News: US War on Terrorism a fraud

The US exploited the mood in the aftermath of the mysterious 9/11 attacks, raising many questions which still remain unanswered, as an ideal pretext to use force to secure its global domination of the Islamic world. Senior journalist Latheef Farook who led a group of Sri Lankan journalists in 1979 to relaunch the Dubai based Gulf News, exposes the US led west's war against terrorism as a fraud.

After three weeks' of bombing, not a single terrorist implicated in the attacks on America has been caught or killed in Afghanistan. Three years after the illegal invasion of Iraq, described by British Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter as "an act of banditry", this oil rich ancient nation is today a virtual slaughter house where killing innocent men, women and children has become a daily occurrence.

There are many wars being waged on Muslims that started as political issues in places such as Chechnya, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Algeria, Gujarat and the smouldering Middle East where the Palestinians continue to bleed while the Gulf pay the price for possessing oil wealth. And then on to Afghanistan and Iraq where there seems no let up to the brutal massacre of innocent civilians.

The author dismisses the Bush "war on terrorism" as deception and reveals the Realpolitik behind the aggression against these Islamic nations. Invisible but powerful forces such as weapons industries, oil companies, the financial oligarchy, corporate conglomerates and the Zionist Jewry are among those who have instigated this crusade against Islam.

They all form a complex dominant coalition which makes and unmakes governments in the West, including the US. The book also assesses the results of the US attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan and the rest of the predominantly Muslim states. It exposes the human cost and examines the bigger geo-strategic picture of these invasions that may lead the world toward the next global conflict.

It is a heart-rending documentation of some of the poorest, most stricken nations being terrorised by the most powerful, where cluster bombs are deliberately being used. Their sole purpose is to kill and maim people.

It also shows up the tyrannical puppet regimes installed by the West in many of these Islamic states, especially in the Middle East, turning a blind eye to these crimes to protect their power and comforts and thereby helping the Zionist and the Jewish dominated US led west implement their designs on the region.. The latest being the merciless destruction of Lebanon and Gaza and the senseless killing and maiming of civilians there.

Describing the situation a frustrated Egyptian journalist said "thanks to the Arab dictators today Arab means shame and disgrace". But behind the entire West's justifications has been the craving to expand American economic and military power in what is tantamount to the biggest energy and oil grab in history.

There are several more questions that beg to be answered such as what the violent deaths of innocent children, the harmless elderly and women have to do with Osama bin Laden. The book makes gripping reading as it gives the world a divergent dimension of the obscene abuses perpetrated on innocent Muslims which include torture, rape and genocide. It brings a balanced analysis of world affairs amidst the turmoil of doctored evidence and a shamelessly complacent Western media.



Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service

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