D. S. - ‘Father of the Nation’

D. S. Senanayake (C) who initiated the first Youth Committee
discussion with President of the committee Minister Wijayapala
Mendis (R) and Minister M.P. de Z. Siriwardena (L).
The 122nd birth anniversary of Sri Lanka’s first Prime Minister late
D. S. Senanayake fell on October 20. It was the late Rt. Hon. D. S.
Senanayake who opened the gates of freedom for Mother Lanka which was
under the British Colonial yoke. This heroic son of Sri Lanka born for
the nation’s good fortune was able to drive away the colonial rulers
without shedding a single drop of blood.
Don Stephen Senanayake was born at Botale Walawwa in Hapitigama
Korale on October 20, 1884 as the third in the family of Don Spater
Senanayake and Mrs. Kehelelle Catherine Elizabeth Perera. D. S. who had
his early education at S. Thomas’ College, Colombo was more keen on
sports than education during his school days. Leaving school after
passing Grade 8 he earned fame as a skilled boxer. A winsome youth with
great vitality popular among the inhabitants in his village he married
Miss Molly Dnuwille in 1910.
D. S. whose prime objective was to drive away the British who were
suppressing the Sinhala nation with their iron heel instead of taking
them on directly, started his campaign indirectly by joining hands with
his elder brother F. R. Senanayake and forming a front. This front was
named the Amadyapa Sabha or Temperance Movement. First they called upon
the British to close down all taverns in Hapitigam Korale but the
British rulers completely ignored the request. Undeterred by this
setback the Senanayake brothers were able to awaken the people not only
in Hapitigam Korale but the whole country. White rulers who got a bit
jittery relaxed their stand. They called Temperance Leader F. R.
Senanayake and informed him that they would grant into their request if
75 percent of the people in Hapitigama Korale approved it at a
referendum. D. S. and F. R. who took this challenge visited every
village and succeeded in garnering not just 75 percent but nearly 85
percent of the peoples vote. This forced the British rulers to close
down all taverns in Hapitigam Korale.
The islandwide protest campaign seeking the closure of all taverns
gained momentum as a forceful peoples movement. The British who
considered this as a potential threat to their rule in future waited
impatiently for a good opportunity to suppress it.
A Buddhist Bhakthi Geetha procession parading the streets of Kandy on
Vesak Poya Day in 1915 was attacked by a group of Muslims sparking off
Sinhala-Muslim riots. British rulers became active instantly. That
declared martial law and directed the police shoot at sight anyone
engaged in riots.
The British took this opportunity to arrest all leaders of the
Temperance Movement including D. S. and F. R. Senanayake saying that the
Temperance Movement was fomenting this trouble. A rumour spread
throughout the country saying the arrested leaders would be shot dead in
prison. Meanwhile Lt. Henry Pedris was shot dead in Welikada Prison on a
Court order for breaking Marshal Law and Army discipline. Prison
officials wielding firearms showed the blood stained chair of it. Henry
Pedris to D. S. and other Temperance leaders warning that they would
suffer the same fate.
It was during such a fearful environment that the Lanka Jathika
Sangamaya was born. It was the year 1920 when a movement for Sinhala
self rule gathered momentum under the leadership of D. S. Senanayake.
Among other pioneers of this movement were D. B. Jayatilleke, James
Peiris, Victor Corea, E. W. Perera, C. W. W. Kannangara, Ponnambalam
Ramanathan and George E. de Silva. This Movement drove fear into the
minds of British rulers who decided to increase the membership of the
Legislature Council to 42 though State reconstruction proposal. Several
temperance leaders became unofficial members of the State Council on
October 15, 1924.
D.S. Senanayake was sworn in as member for Minuwangoda in the State
Council and appointed its secretary and Agriculture Minister. This
youth’s struggle became more strident with this appointment. His oratory
not only awakened the people but also sent vibrations across the British
It was due to this fear that the British Government decided to
appoint a State Commission to consider administrative Reforms for Sri
Lanka. This led to the appointment of the Donoughmore Commission in
1927. Several proposals were made under the leadership of D.S.
Senanayake and they were approved in the State council with a majority
of 19 votes. It was under the leadership of D.S. Senanayake that a
proposal requesting “a system of government with full responsibility for
Sri Lanka at the conclusion of the world war” was approved by the State
Council. This Draft Bill approved after a prolonged debate was submitted
to the British Governor by D.S. Senanayake in his capacity as leader of
the house in 1944. Initial discussions regarding the request for full
independence began in July 1947. The Colonial Secretary represented the
British government at these talks where Sri Lanka was represented by
D.S. Senanayake. D.S. was able to convince the chronical secretary by
presenting his arguments with the aplomb of a world renowned legal
Following these talks the British Colonial Secretary making a
statement in the British Parliament said Sri Lanka should be granted
full independence. The Governor who summoned a meeting of the State
Council on June 18, 1947 announced that the British Government had
decided to grant Sri Lanka Dominion Status. Accordingly the House of
Representatives consisted of 89 seats. Political parties were allowed to
field candidates. The LSSP led by Dr. N.M. Perera, Bolshevik LSSP led by
Dr. Colvin R de Silva, Communist Party of Sri Lanka led by Dr. S.A.
Wickramasinghe and the labour party led by A.E. Goonesinha put forward
362 candidates to contest for these 89 seats.
It was at this juncture that the UNP was formed. Former Secretary
General of Parliament Sam Wijesinghe once said that although the UNP
started its campaign under this able General who had the will to march
towards his objective even in the face of death the party had no
economic strength to face the hustings. There were two people who came
forward to offer financial support towards building up the UNP.
The UNP which contested all 89 seats under the leadership of D. S.
Senanayake captured 42 seats.
The agreement granting full freedom to Sri Lanka was signed on
November 11, 1947 by Sir Henry Monk Mason on behalf of the British
Government and by D. S. Senanayake on behalf of Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka
Dominion Status Act received Royal assent on December 1, 1947 and
implemented on February 4, 1948. This time D. S. entered Parliament from
Negombo District and became Sri Lanka’s first Prime Minister. It was
following this victory that the UNP Yovun Peramuna was set up for the
first time at Negombo. I wish to recall with deep humility that I had
the privilege of becoming the founder President of that Yovun Peramuna
set up by D. S.
Although the North Central and Eastern Provinces with their fertile
and verdant paddy fields became the habitat of a prosperous population
during the time of Sinhala kings they became vast expanses of forest
infested with dangerous animals due to foreign invasions and subsequent
neglect by European rulers. As Minister of Agriculture D. S. formulated
plans to renovate neglected tanks and transform this region to a
prosperous farmland once again. After becoming Prime Minister D. S.
appointed his son as Agriculture Minister and launched a grand program
to make the country selfsufficient in rice as during the days of the
Sinhala kingdom. D. S. reviewed the agricultural plans formulated during
his stewardship as Agriculture Minister personally and saw to their
implementation by visiting the country’s backwoods personally to inspect
neglected tanks, anicuts and paddyland himself without depending on
reports submitted by officials from the ivory towers in the city.
He trudged miles daily in the Rajarata, traversing through animal
infested jungle. Certain leaders in Sri Lanka at that time not only
scoffed at D. S.’s effort in a derisive manner but also scared away
farmers who were awaiting to settle in newly cleared land in the NCP and
East by accusing D.S. of devising plans to exterminate entire families
in the South by taking them to the Malaria infested Polonnaruwa,
Minneriya and Hingurakgoda areas. They said Raja Rata forests had
malaria mosquitoes large as crows. A large number of low country farmers
who ignored these baseless accusations went and settled down in the new
colonisation schemes to ensure their own welfare and the territorial
integrity of the nation.
It was D. S. who laid the foundation to the Mahaweli Diversion Scheme
which had become a reality today fulfilling people’s dreams. At that
time D. S. expressed his shock for allowing such a mass of water flowing
into the sea without being harnessed for the benefit of the country and
its people.
People who opposed him then for preventing foreign forces invading
those areas are today talking good of him. May D. S. Senanayake be
reborn in Sri Lanka throughout his journey in Sansara until he attains
the bliss of Nibbana to help us realise our dream of transforming this
nation into a heaven.
Vijayapala Mendis
Vice President, D. S. Senanayake Commemoration Society. |