Coping with a globe awash with arms
Shades of Vietnam - This is the troubling poser raised by the rising,
anti-US insurgent violence in Iraq. Even US President George Bush has
compared Iraq to Vietnam.
October has proved the most cruel month for the US forces in Iraq.
Eleven US soldiers killed on a single day recently, brings to 69 the
total number of US servicemen killed in Iraq in October. In all at least
2778 US servicemen have been killed in Iraq since the US invasion of
Iraq in March 2003.
Bush administration spokesman have trained to put what may be
considered the best constructs on the President’s reference to Vietnam,
but there is no denying that the US is up against a Vietnam-type
military quagmire, if not a disaster, in Iraq. For the US the human
costs of the Iraqi invasion are sleeply rising and for the Iraqi people,
what seemed to be an overt military confrontation between an invading
army and an overrun people, is now taking on ominous and dangerous
sectarian dimensions with the Sunnis and Shiites locked in a battle for
political and military supremacy. This conflict too is resulting in a
rising tide of deaths and a growing polarity between Iraq’s major
religious communities.
The challenge facing Iraqi Premier Nuri a Maliki is to not only
operate a truly power sharing administration in Iraq among its warring
communities, but to also contain what seems to be a surging inflow of
arms and ammunition to these antagonists.
Containing the spread of arms and ammunition among warring groups in
intra-state conflicts, continues to be a poser for the world community.
The world is so awash wish arms and ammunition that it is believed in
some quarters that it is possible to shoot and slay the world’s
population at least twice. Therefore, containing the manufacture and
sale of illegal arm and ammunition emerges as a number one challenge for
the international community. Warring groups the world over are certain
to consider political solutions to their conflicts more strongly if they
have less access to arms and ammunition. The easy availability of the
means to kill however, compels conflicting parties to seek solutions in
“Killing Fields”.

US troops seen policing the streets in Baghdad |
Ironically, the West which claims to be keen on seeing political
solutions being worked out in the world’s trouble spots, has some
leading arms makers in its fold. Western arms manufacturers keep the
flames of war burning through their unrelenting sale of arms and unless
and until Western governments turn the screws on the manufacture and
sale of arms and ammunition in their own front yards, armed conflicts
around the world are unlikely to show signs of winding down.
Accordingly, there needs to be less double-talk and prevarication on
the making and trafficking of arms on the part of the world community.
Once standards and norms have been identified and established towards
containing the illegal arms trade, these have to be single-mindedly
pursued by the international community.
The UN is reportedly working towards a new treaty on containing the
global arms trade and this is, no doubt, good news for a troubled world.
However, the restrictive provisions in this treaty need to be firmly
implemented, without lapsing into double standards and the opening of
loopholes. If repressive states, for example, age banned by the UN from
procuring arms, such provisions need to be rigorously implemented. It
should be ensured that arms do not end up in the possession of these
states, through the covert functioning of illegal and informal arms
Given their spread and proliferation, conventional arms should
receive the same attention of the big power as nuclear arms. The gaining
of a nuclear arms capability by North Korea is today a prime worry of
the Western powers. South Korea, Japan and China, but the fact that the
world is awash with conventional arms needs to be an equal source of
concern. The conflicts in the world’s “Killing Fields”, such as Iraq
could be brought within containable limits, if access by groups and
states to such arms is restricted. |