HIV/AIDS and the World of Work - An ILO Code of Practice
by Usha Perera
Anyone who has seen the movie Philadephia would remember the famous
line from it “Justice is blind regardless of colour, sex and religion”,
delivered by the Judge in the movie when the case of Andrew Becket was
produced before him. It is one of the most excellent movies ever made
and demonstrates not only the cold blooded and hypocritical attitudes of
the corporate world, but also the indignities and prejudices that people
living with HIV/AIDS have to go through. It is a story about a well
educated and hard working lawyer named Andrew Becket who contracts HIV
and is then illegally and through prejudice is fired from his law firm
when his colleagues find out that he has AIDS.
Becket sues the firm for dismissal, lost earnings and punitive
damages with the help of Joe Miller, a lawyer who himself has prejudices
against people with HIV/AIDS but changes his total attitude after
associating with Becket. This movie which won many Oscars including Best
Picture, Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor was also a tool to educate
people about misconceptions on HIV/AIDS.
ILO Code of Practice
Even though the story in the movie was fictional it was based on many
true incidents that many people around the world faced following being
diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. This was that prompted the International Labour
Office in Geneva to come out with the “An ILO code of practice on
HIV/AIDS and the world of work”. This is an extremely important document
because it is the first international instrument on HIV/AIDS
specifically related to the world of work. One of its underlying
principles is the recognition of HIV/AIDS as a workplace issue. This is
because workers account for three quarters of adults living with HIV in
the world, and also because of the role which falls to the partners in
the world of work in the global effort to counteract the spread of the
epidemic and its effects.
The Code provides guidelines for policy development at national,
sector and enterprise levels and for the creation of workplace programs.
It covers prevention of HIV/AIDS, mitigation of its impact, care and
support of workers infected and affected by the virus, and elimination
of stigma and discrimination on the basis of real or perceived HIV
status. The Code applies to all employers and workers including
applicants for work in the public and private sectors, and all aspects
of work, formal and informal.
Adherence to the principles contained in the Code is voluntary and,
unlike International Labour Conventions, does not carry legal
obligations. It is therefore a flexible instrument which can be adapted
to suit the characteristics of a particular country or workplace,
including the needs of both high prevalence countries, where care and
treatment are increasingly important issues, and countries sush as Sri
Lanka where the main need is for prevention.
True situation
In Sri Lanka, by mid 2006, 749 cases of HIV infections have been
officially reported. However, the true situation may be more as there is
underreporting due to high discrimination and social stigma. Most of the
HIV inflected persons were in the 30-39 age-group, which is the most
productive segment of the population. Professionals, busine ssmen, hotel
employees, drivers, teachers, artists and service personnel are among
those infected. Even though, Sri Lanka is classified as a low HIV
prevalence country in South Asia region, it also exhibits a number of
high risk factors such as low condom use, a thriving commercial sex
industry, external and internal migration, tourism, beach boys, men who
have sex with men and increasing numbers of people having unprotected
sex with different partners.
Three year project
Therefore The International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the
Ministry of labour Relations and Foreign Employment in Sri Lanka
launched a three-year project in 2004 aimed at preventing the spread of
HIV/AIDS among workers through workplace policies and programs, capacity
building, conducting awareness campaigns and reducing the level of
employment-related discrimination against persons living with HIV/AIDS.
The ultimate goal of the project is to develop a sustainable national
program on HIV/AIDS and the world of work.
The project, International HIV/AIDS Workplace Education Program is
funded by the United States Department of Labour (USDOL) and is executed
by the ILO. It will build alliances with the government, trade unions
and employers’ organisations such as the Employers Federation of Ceylon
and The Chamber of Commerce to reduce adverse consequences on social,
labour and economic development, through a coordinated strategy. The
strategy will be built upon the ILO’s comparative advantage in advocacy
and policy development, particularly drawing on its Code of Practice on
HIV/AIDS and the World of Work.
The strategies
Speaking on the strategies, Dr. Dayanath Ranathunga, Program Officer
training at the ILO said that the tripartite program aims at “Behaviour
change through Communication”. The three partners are the government,
the Employer and the Employee. The ILO has set up an advisory board for
the program comprising members from The Ministry of Labour, Trade
Unions, Employers Representatives and The STD/AIDS Control Program.
“Since there are other funded programs in the country concentrating
on different sectors this program mainly focuses on The Tourism Sector,
The Plantation Sector and The Manufacturing Sector”. At present we have
an ongoing pilot project in 14 different workplaces within these three
sectors”, says Dr. Ranathunga.
The program first targets behaviour assessment through qualitative
and quantitative methods that also includes a site inventory. This is
done through questionnaires, focus group discussions, key informant
interviews and in-depth interviews.
“Following such an assessment we classify the existing behaviour
patterns and communicate to them the expected behaviours through a
communication strategy”, said Dr. Ranathunga. “This is done mainly
through a focal point coordinator. We identify the natural leaders in a
workplace and give them the task. They in turn select a committee that
act as peer educators in the workplace”, he said.
The responsibility of the committee in the workplace involves
implementing prevention programs, giving care and support to workplace
colleagues by creating a link between heath care programs and other
“I am proud to say that following the launch of this program and up
to now five corporate giants have come up with their own HIV/AIDS
workplace policies”, says Dr. Ranathunga.
“We are also training master trainers in every sector to make this
program sustainable after the end of this particular project”, Dr.
Ranathunga further explained.
Up to now there have been no cases in Sri Lanka similar to the Andrew
Becket case where an employee has sued or gone to courts against an
employer. The inferences drawn from this can be either that there have
been no cases of such discrimination or due to the fact that a person
would have to come forward with his HIV status if he has to file a case.
Given the fact that Sri Lanka is low prevalence at present the most
likely would be the first possibility.
Therefore the ongoing ILO program is necessary to educate, inform and
to make behavioral and attitudinal changes in people to primarily be
prevented from contracting HIV and secondarily to enable to deal with
issues surrounding the condition if it involves either oneself or a
colleague at the workplace. |