Contact Sri Lanka to help study in UK
A young and dynamic team of current and former students in the UK
formed Contact Sri Lanka (CSL) - a website designed exclusively to
assist Sri Lankans keen to study in the UK, a spokesman for the
organisation said. is a valuable resource for
any prospective UK student.
It aims to create an online meeting place for students to meet others
like themselves and exchange advice and information, thus building a
cooperative and friendly online community.
The spokesman said in addition to the excellent quality of education,
the UK also offers a remarkable cultural experience for the young
international student. The UK's proximity to the Continent allows cheap,
quick and convenient travel to other European capitals, another
opportunity students should avail themselves of.
The UK offers a cultural experience that should be savoured, in
addition to gaining a degree. The student should leave the UK as a
rounded individual, enriched by a myriad of experiences and with a good
understanding and appreciation of other cultures and peoples. CSL is
very keen to introduce Sri Lankan students to such opportunities, and
has compiled comprehensive information links for travel (both within the
UK, and to and from Europe) and entertainment too.
By developing websites for UK-based charitable organisations
providing aid to Sri Lanka, we hope to make a small but significant
difference to needy causes at home. As the strength of our user-base
grows, with your support, we hope to increase our involvement and play a
more direct role in fundraising for approved charities, the spokesman
said. |