High cost hinders Internet access
by Lalin Fernandopulle
The high Internet connectivity cost is a major impediment to the
growth of the ICT industry. The cost of Internet facilities should be
reduced so that many would have easy access to it instead of a few. The
ICT industry could develop only if the number of those who have access
to IT increases.
Science and Technology Minister Prof. Tissa Vitharana addressing the
Mega IT exhibition 'Infotel Lanka 2006' at the BMICH recently said the
ICT industry is not at its best, compared to some countries in the
region who have made great strides. The industry needs to progress
faster and keep pace with global trends.
Prof. Vitharana said IT and Internet facilities are confined to the
affluent class in the business sectors. The rural community is not
exposed to IT and many still have not seen a computer. There should be a
reduction in the cost of computers so that the number of users would
The country could prosper only if its citizens develop their
The 'Nanasala' Program initiated by President Mahinda Rajapaksa has
contributed immensely to the development of the ICT industry. Through
the program the number of rural youth browsing the Internet has
The ICT industry has not tapped its fullest potential. Experts in all
key sectors including health, education and engineering should share
their knowledge for the growth of the industry, Prof. Vitharana said.
Infotel which has promoted and developed its standard since 1992 is a
boost to the development of the ICT industry. Exhibitions of this nature
will be a good exposure to the IT world making it user-friendly. It will
help industrialists to be more industrial.
Information Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) Chairman, Prof. V.
K. Samaranayake said the national ICT Week declared by President
Rajapaksa is an indication of his government's commitment to the
progress of the industry. The ICT week will be an useful exposure to all
IT enthusiasts of the marvels of information and technology. |