At the Swiss parliament
Little Blue Birdie's Diary
Dear Diary,
Some children and even birds may have visited our local parliament.
One is certainly lucky to have this kind of opportunity, but how lucky
do you think one should be to visit the Swiss Parliament? Hey, I'm not
boasting! We recently got the opportunity to visit this marvellous
building with superb architecture.
The brilliant architect of this building, which is situated in the
city of Bern, on a cliff edge above the river Aare, is Hans Wilhelm

This building, with its Florentine architecture and central dome, can
easily be mistaken for a U.S. State Capitol building.
It is formally known as Bundeshaus or Federal Palace and houses the
Swiss Federal Parliament and Federal Council, Aaron, our guide,
explained. The oldest part of the building, the West Wing, dates back to
1856, while the other part was inaugurated only on April 1, 1902.
Because of this time difference, it is known as the building with two
chambers; the Nationalrat and the Standerat. These two chambers are
separated by the beautiful hall with a dome. This dome has an external
height of 64m and an internal height of 33m, Aaron added.
My friends, Mandy, Koshy and Cuckoo were overjoyed by the beauty of
the place. In the centre of the hall was a mosaic (picture), which
represented the Federal Coat of Arms along with the Latin motto 'One for
all, and all for one'. This was surrounded by the coats of arms of the
22 cantons (divisions) that existed in 1902.
According to Lanie, the old bird who had lived in the castle for
long, the coat of arms of the Canton of Jura, created in 1979, was
placed outside the mosaic.

Fresco done by Charles Chiron
The larger of the two chambers had a huge fresco done by Charles
Chiron, titled 'The Cradle of the Confederation' which shows Lake
Lucerne and its surrounding mountains, with a passing cloud formation to
liven up the scenery.
According to Baedeker's Switzerland (1911 edition), the painting is
best seen from the visitors' gallery located opposite. That advice was
worth taking note of.
The central domed hall and both chambers featured numerous symbolic
descriptions of Swiss history. As we were told, the Swiss Government
consists of seven members of the Federal Council, who are elected by the
United Federal Assembly for a four-year term. The President of the
Confederation is elected for just one year and is regarded as Primus
inter pares (first among equals) for this period.
He chairs the meetings of the Federal Council and undertakes special
representational duties (Tasks of the Federal Council). The Standerat
represents all the cantons with two members from each. The Nationalrat
is where two hundred members represent the public.
The various chambers are decorated with coats of arms, statues and
paintings commemorating different events in Swiss history. If you want
to see the assembly sitting, you can watch the proceedings from the
public gallery. To know whether the assembly is sitting, what you can do
is check whether the overhead flag is flying or not!
Oh! I nearly forgot. You should be informed that the parliament has
green roof tops. This is not the latest style!
It is because the roofs were made of copper, which turned green over
the years, after being exposed to the weather.
That was an interesting journey, wasn't it? See you soon with details
from another interesting place!