GCE A/L English Literature - Made Easy - Novel -
The Waiting Earth
By Punyakante Wijenaike
Summary, chapter by chapter
On arrival at home, Sellohamy noticing the radical change in her
husband shouted in fear
“He has gone mad. That I was afraid would happen one day has
happened” Podisinho suspecting his wife’s behaviour with the Mudalali
unfolded the scene to the Mudalali’s wife, Carohamy.

“Surely you must know the look that passes between men and women when
they need each other?” and chased the fortune teller out of his house.
“Get out from here. Women make good the absence of a ladder to the
gallows” Isabellahamy forms a bad opinion of her mother considering her
to be a shameless woman. Upasena tries to make his father happy and help
his mother to relieve her of her pain of mind. “But his mother, yes his
mother he could help”.
Chapter Fifteen
Days roll on and Podisingho, with suspicion reigning, returned home
from Rapiel Appu’s and got ready to sleep. He realized that women could
have a stronger say in a house, though the man is considered to be the
head of the family unit.
Rapiel Appu became his best friend and gave his savings to Podisingho
far safe keeping. He was his only trusted friend. The Mudalali and his
wife cursed the other women who came to the Mudalali’s shop and the
Mudalali was talking to them as if they needed his kindness “above what
they received in their homes”. Kathirinahamy hated Sellohamy as well.
Isabellahamy too is being gossiped about at school. The Schoolmaster
Podimahatmaya’s special smile for her causes a different feeling in her
and she begins to day dream, learning only a fraction of what is being
taught. The school girl’s callous remarks at her and at her mother’s
behaviour “Your mother’s foot prints are deep in the Mudalali’s
compound”. Sellohamy’s elder son remains silent, not concerned about the
gossip that is spreading. Piyasena’s only salvation is to cling on to
Rapiel Appu. “He alone would be his friend and family”.
Mrs. C. Ekanayake,
Retd. Specialist Teacher Eng. Lit., St. Anne’s College, Kurunegala. |