Money from Heaven
by Stephen Wagner
Pennies, dimes, quarters - even dollars that miraculously appear out
of nowhere here is a bizarre phenomenon that I’m sure we all wish we
could experience: money appearing seemingly out of nowhere. Pennies,
dimes, quarters - even bills - appearing miraculously from
who-knows-where. We’re not talking about finding coins on the street.
We’re talking about money materializing from the sky and, more
mysteriously, in and around houses and apartments - with no easy or
logical explanation.
It’s Raining Money
There are many documented instances of money raining down from the
skies. During a storm in August, 1940, numerous coins fell on the
Meshchera region of Russia. In 1956, pennies and halfpennies plopped
down on children in Hanham, England as they were heading home from
school. And in 1976, two clergymen watched as 2,000 marks worth of
banknotes fluttered down from a clear sky in Limburg, West Germany.
Bryan B. was on his lunch hour when he was showered with pennies one
September afternoon. He was walking in the office parking lot when he
heard something metallic click on the asphalt...

Just a couple feet in front of me, I saw two shiny new pennies,
glimmering in the sun against the black pavement. As I was about to pick
them up, something fell right in front of my face, then another, and
another, which almost hit me in the arm before hitting the ground. There
were now about 6 or 7 bright, freshly minted cents around me. I looked
around to see who might be throwing their change at me, and from where,
but I seemed to be alone in the lot, and there was nowhere above me
somebody could be dropping them from; I was still too far from the
office building for that to be possible. As I stood there, wondering
what the heck was going on, I felt a sudden shooting pain on the top of
my head, and saw a penny land at my feet after it struck me. I bent down
and picked up the handful of pennies, and as I was picking them up, two
or three more fell to the ground nearby. I picked one up and it was very
warm. What was also somewhat odd was that every penny was dated 2000.
Even luckier was Ellie to whom a fortunate wind blew higher currency.
She was gathering dry clothes from her backyard clothesline in
Australia. A small dust eddy whirled around her, carrying dry leaves and
dust - and something else... * Whirling in the centre I saw a flash of
blue. I grabbed at it as the eddy whirled past and was very pleased to
see it was a $10 note. A bit of luck, I thought - unusual perhaps, but
not that surprising, seeing it was such a windy day. A few more days
passed. No wind now, just completely calm and still days. Once again I
was out in the yard, and under a lilac bush I saw a glimpse of red. This
was a $20 note! That wasn’t the end. In the next few days, I also found
lying on the grass in various parts of the yard a $5 note (purple) and
another $20. The next day my son came in the from the yard calling
jubilantly, “Hey, mom, look what I found in the yard!” It was yet
another $20 note! But just as a final little joke, one day I pulled out
from under my bed a pair of slippers that I hadn’t worn for a long time
- and there nestled in one was a 50 cent coin!

Sometimes this “money from heaven” truly seems like a godsend when it
appears in desperately needed situations. This was certainly the case
for a woman we’ll call Mary who was an unwed mother of an 11-month-old
son. She barely earned enough to pay the rent, buy food and medicine,
and pay the babysitter so she could work. One day at Christmas time, she
took her baby to the grocery store with her because she couldn’t afford
to pay a sitter while she shopped. She had only $20 to her name... * We
were parked at the store, and I remember thinking to myself, “Oh, God!
How am I going to get the things I need with only $20?” That amount
would cover diapers and formula, but not the food we needed to get by.
It was a very cold, damp and windy night. I asked God to protect my son,
since there was no other way than to take him out in the elements. As I
got out of the car and put him in the grocery cart, I noticed that no
one else was anywhere in sight. Then, three $20 bills blew up to me!
Then the wind suddenly stopped. I could hardly believe my eyes! I looked
left, right and all around. There was no one else in the parking lot! I
knew somehow, somewhere God saw and heard my plight and sent “money from
Coins Around the House - Pennies...
As remarkable as the previous stories are, there are even more
mysterious occurrences. Money brought on the wind is one thing, but
coins - sometimes dozens of them - inexplicably showing up around the
house are even more difficult to fathom. This seems to be a growing
phenomenon as I receive more and more stories about this happening.
Sometimes they’re just pennies. Okay, it’s not unusual to find some
pennies lying around the house; they are easily dropped and lost. But
what’s notable about these cases is that they are found in unlikely
places. One mother tells this odd story that began when her daughter
moved into a new apartment...
Since then she has been finding pennies in places where they could
only have been placed deliberately, such as: between sheets in freshly
made beds, in corners behind doors, in front of doorways, drawers,
bathtub and garage. Recently, while watching TV in bed, a penny fell
from the ceiling fan (while it was on). She once was standing in front
of her dresser and one fell from somewhere. Kim a 33-year-old
professional woman likewise suddenly began finding pennies all over her
new home, but with a strange connection to extreme stress in her life...
The pennies were everywhere. I was going through a bad divorce and
was really down, and didn’t know what to make of it. My life got better
and the kids and I adjusted to our new way of life. No more pennies.
Then recently, I started having troubles with my 16-year-old daughter.
She ran away and is involved with destructive behaviour. Then the
pennies started reappearing again - everywhere. I came home from work
and there was a penny on my pillow in my bedroom! They seem to be
everywhere that I go.
...and Dimes...
For some reason, dimes seem to be the coins most common in these
baffling experiences. For Ttait, the dimes began to manifest in 1995
when she struggled with completing college while raising her small
daughter. Money was tight, but she began finding dimes, which seemed to
appear in the bathroom of her tiny one-bedroom apartment...
Throughout the 18 months we lived there, I would constantly find
dimes in our bathroom. Next to the tub I would find dimes. At first I
figured they fell out of my boyfriend’s pants pocket. Then I started to
hear the distinct sound of coins dropping at all hours of day or night.
The sound always came from the bathroom. This continued regularly, and I
would pick up the dimes - sometimes there would be several and always in
the same place near the tub. One day I was there alone and using the
bathroom. While sitting there, I caught a motion in the corner of my eye
in the open doorway. On the rug, was a dime next to the doorframe. It
had fallen and landed soundlessly on the rug just outside of the
bathroom. I am delighted to think it was a sign of caring from loving
beings. W.D. was in bed one morning when a dime seemingly tried to
communicate with her. It sounds strange, but she was lying in bed
waiting for her snooze alarm to go off when this happened...
All of a sudden, I felt a fast tapping in the mattress, as if someone
were using their finger to get my attention. I then felt something touch
my leg. At first I thought it was my little Pekinese next to me, but she
was not in the room. As I put my hand down by my leg, I felt something
small in size. It was a dime! I know it’s a message of some kind, but
not sure as of yet what it is. Where does this money come from? As we’ve
seen above, at times its appearance seems random. In other cases,
however, the “money from nowhere” seems very purposeful indeed,
sometimes with a clear connection to a deceased loved one. Dawn B.’s
39-year-old father was killed away from home while on a business trip.
While alive, he always kept a change jar on a shelf in the kitchen and
would give out change to Dawn and her mother as needed. Even though he
was now gone, it seemed to Dawn that he was still doling out coins...
After his death, we started to find dimes all over the house. We
would clean the kitchen counter come back into the room and find dimes
on the counter. They would show up inside jewellery cases, in the car,
in the sink, under plants in the house.
After I had children, I would find quarters on their high-chair trays,
falling out of their walkers, on the car seats. It has been 10 years
since my father’s death and we still find dimes and quarters that seem
to come from nowhere. It has become a sense of peace for my family to
know that my father is still here with us in some way. Michele S. tells
of a tradition her “Poppa” had of giving her a dollar every time she did
something good. When she was grown and had two children of her own, he
continued the tradition, handing them dollar bills whenever they
visited. He would not let the tradition go, it seems, even after his
We were preparing to go on a trip to a livestock show in San Antonio,
and I asked my daughter to go into the attic and retrieve a box I
needed. As she went into the attic to retrieve this box, she found a
single dollar bill laying on top of it. No one had been up there since
we had put away the Christmas decorations on January 1! She brought the
dollar down to show me and I knew it was a signal to her from Poppa that
he was wishing her luck at the stock show. She returned to the attic,
and hollered down again. There was ANOTHER single dollar bill on top of
the box! I knew this one was meant for my son from Poppa. Poppa would
never have wanted him to feel left out. And apparently, Poppa’s dollars
brought them very good luck. They both brought home a blue ribbon. Thank
you, Poppa. This last story is one of my favourites. It has all the
elements of this puzzling phenomenon: the deceased relative seen as the
source, a desperate need, and circumstances that preclude any logical
explanation and point only to a true paranormal phenomenon. Helen Q. was
sitting in the living room with her adolescent son discussing money or,
rather, the lack of it...
It was a really bad time in my life. I was crying because I didn’t
have lunch money for my three sons’ school lunches the next day and I
didn’t know what to do about it. I had decided to just keep them home
from school. My son was 12 and hadn’t missed a day all year and he was
saying, “I can’t miss tomorrow! I just can’t!” All I needed was $3 and I
couldn’t even get that. We heard a noise in the kitchen and we went out
to check — and there were some quarters on the floor. I was afraid to
touch them. It was the scariest thing I had ever experienced. I wanted
to run out of the house, but my two other kids were in bed asleep. My
son finally decided to pick them up. He put them on the table. They were
icy cold. There were exactly $3 in quarters! Then my son said, “It’s
from Grandma. She always gave me quarters.” I felt so good at that very
minute. I knew everything would be okay from then on. We never had to go
without again. Life just seemed to come together for us after that
night. |