Over to you Mr. IGP...
By Prasad Gunewardene
The exact point is Kurusa Kanuwa Junction, Moratuwa. The location
covers the roads and by-lanes leading to St. Sebastian’s College,
Moratuwa on one side. On the other side are the lanes and avenues
adjoining St. Joseph’s Church. This area is reigned and ruled by thugs,
thieves, prostitutes and hermaphrodites. What causes more fear at nights
to the residents is that the fixing of the ‘Circuit Breaker’ to the
modernised electricity reading meters by the Ceylon Electricity Board.
This has given easy way to robbers. They switch off the ‘Circuit
Breaker’ before embarking on the mission.
In this area there are many so-called “Tourist Lodges”. Registration
of some of these hotels are only known to those who operate them. With
the sun-rise, prostitutes and pimps haunt the area. Even teenaged
students are not spared. Towards the evening, hermaphrodites make the
church parapet wall their resting places till older men arrive in cars
to pick them up for ‘beach’ rides. Thugs force themselves into private
gardens under the pretext of asking for water or to wash their feet to
monitor households. They operate hand in hand with robber gangs.
Residents frequently telephone the Moratuwa police. The response
is...”OIC not in”.....”No vehicle to come”.....”We will come later”.
Over a period of time this has been the practice of the police.
Last week, a thug on a push-cycle forced himself into a house at Holy
Cross Avenue (the lane by the church) to demand water. When the occupant
refused access to the garden tap, the thug had left saying, “We’ll look
after you in the night”. Her husband is disabled and the sons live
elsewhere. The same night there had been an electricity failure in her
house around 1.30 am. When she had looked out of the window she found
that only her house was in the dark. She had called the police. The
answer was-’ no vehicle available to come’. Then she had called the CEB
sub office. They had arrived within minutes to find that someone had
switched off the ‘Circuit Breaker’ fixed on to the meter.
Later, she found that two window panes had been removed in a room.
The timely arrival of CEB men had saved this aging couple. The
modernised Electricity Meter Reader is a danger, these residents
complained to the Sunday Observer. These residents are unhappy over the
attitude of the Moratuwa Police. They have now pinned their hopes on the
new Inspector General of Police, Victor Perera. |