SLFP- UNP 'marriage’ tomorrow
By Jayantha Sri Nissanka
The much awaited Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the UNP
and the SLFP will be signed tomorrow (Oct. 23) at Temple Trees. The MoU
will address key national issues.
The signing of the MoU is expected to take place in the morning at an
auspicious time.
SLFP Secretary and Minister Maithreepala Sirisena, now in Beijing
will return to Sri Lanka today to attend the historic event scheduled
for tomorrow.
The UNP last week submitted some proposals to finalise the MoU
between the two parties. But the Government rejected some of them, such
as to halt UNP MPs crossing over to the Government.
“We told the UNP delegation that crossover is a democratic right of
MPs. The SLFP was formed after the late Prime Minister S.W.R.D
Bandaranaike crossed over from the UNP. If there was no such move by the
late leader, the SLFP would not have existed today”, Minister of Power
John Seneviratne told the Sunday Observer.
However, debates are going on in the UNP whether to accept portfolios
or not under the proposed MoU.
The issue is still under discussion in the UNP. Some members are
canvassing for portfolios while others seem to claim that the party
should support the Government sans portfolios.
Meanwhile, President Mahinda Rajapaksa held two meetings yesterday to
educate PA coalition party leaders and the Jathika Hela Urumaya leaders
on the proposed MoU between the UNP and the SLFP.
President Rajapaksa explained to the leaders how he is going to work
with the UNP and also discussed on issues relating to the national
question, peace process and the national security. |