Was seven kilo bomb targeted at politician or STF officers?
Jayampathy Jayasinghe
Was the seven kilo bomb packed with TNT explosives found at the 9th
mile post on the Colombo - Kandy road, near the Pushparamaya Temple at
Kadawatha last Thursday meant for a politician or for a vehicle carrying
senior officers of the Special Task Force (STF) from the Gonahena STF
camp. Or was it meant to blow up a private bus carrying a large number
of STF staff to the Gonahena camp. However, police sources said that
they do not know exactly at whom the bomb was targeted. But they suspect
that it was meant to blow up one of the vehicles carrying STF commandos
to or from the Gonahena Camp.
The army bomb disposal squad after defusing the powerful bomb
containing TNT explosives, found a timer along with the bomb. Had the
bomb exploded at a time when an STF vehicle was passing near the 9th
milepost it would have been catastrophic. Several STF personnel or a
high ranking officer would have perished in the explosion similar to the
one that killed Senior Supdt. of Police, Upul Seneviratne a few months
ago at Digana, Kandy.
The bomb was first spotted by a Municipal garbage collector on
Thursday morning around 8.45 near the 9th milepost.
The bomb was wrapped inside a bag. He had then informed a trishaw driver
who promptly went to the Kadawatha police station and informed OIC
Kadawatha Chief Inspector, M. K. R. A. Guneratne about it.
Speaking to the ‘Sunday Observer’, Chief Inspector Guneratne said
that no one had been arrested in this connection. “We have questioned 21
persons who live close to the Pushparama Temple and released them due to
lack of evidence. The bomb was later sent to the Government Analyst
Department for a report through a court order.
Meanwhile, a senior police officer said that OICs of police stations
have been briefed to be more vigilant these days about explosives.
Several unexploded bombs were found last month near the Welisara Navy
Camp, Borella and at Wellawatte due to the timely action taken by the
public and security forces. |