SAGA comes to Pegasus Reef

Director, Carson Cumberbatch Hotels, Paddy Withana (left) welcoming
Norman Morah, leader of the first SAGA group at Pegasus Reef Hotel.
One of the world's most prestigious Tour Agents, "SAGA" based in UK,
has drawn a contract with Pegasus Reef Hotel Hendala to bring in some of
the world's high spending tourists to Sri Lanka. "This is a great
achievement for Pegasus Reef which is owned and managed by Carson
Cumberbatch Co. Ltd," Director Carsons Hotels, Paddy Wittana said.
"SAGA" decided to enter into a contract with Pegasus Reef Hotel after
it under went a massive refurbishment, which resulted in the hotel being
converted into a star class property offering guests all modern
facilities. Pegas Reef is popularly known as the Garden Resort by the
sea. The beautiful beach adjacent to the hotel, has brought in tourists
from around the world, who are beach lovers. SAGA has assured Pegasus
Reef Hotel that they would bring in high spending tour groups to Pegasus
on a regular basis.
The leader of the first SAGA Group Norman Morah, and his group was
accorded a red carpet welcome by Director, Hotels, Carson Cumberbach,
Paddy Withtana and Resident Manager, Pegasus Reef, Ravi Kurukulasuriya.