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Government Gazette

Empowering Community through People's Forums (PFs)

Though it is apparently clear that the root cause of many problems including that of abject poverty especially among the rural agricultural communities is directly linked to ignorance, being unaware of available resources and the self-strength of a community, little or no tangible action has been taken either to arrest those negative trends or to empower those impoverished communities.

Apart from abject poverty, these communities are an easy prey to some of the historical misconceptions regarding the origin and the existence of certain ethnic communities which are often perceived as traditional enemies and invaders. This invariably led to an unwanted tension between diverse ethnic communities in the country.

Development strategies, since independence, have not taken into consideration some of the important factors of development process such as the promotion of ethnic harmony, and empowering the communities by imparting knowledge and skills that not only secure them a steady income but also help to discover their potentials within the larger context of community.

People's Forums (PFs) is a development concept planned and implemented by US Aids with the participation of several partner organizations that address not only the issues relating to sustainable development at community and village level but also other socio-political aspects such as ethnic integration, ethnic harmony, knowledge of Human Rights and their application at grassroot level as an effective method of combatting corruption and bureaucraticism which is rampant in villages and impoverished communities. "This movement has a two year history, but the concept is much more older than that.

I would say this is an initial step of a silent revolution and a very interesting process for people at the Provincial level. The forum itself is an organic representation.

Participants at the workshop

The representatives of People's Forums (PFs) represent communities and sometimes, they are activists and professionals. For instance, Wiraj Balasuriya is an academic from Mawanella who works as a senior lecturer at the University of Peradeniya and also the convener of the Mawanella People's Forum. It is a totally different kind of political process. It is a process that really empowers people politically. However, it is not party or power politics. These people at their local level identified various kinds of problems and issues in the community.

The idea is the basic human needs. But it's not survival only, it's about well being, identity, freedom and covers all the facets of life. These are the very basic needs to lead a meaningful life with dignity" says Dr. Sunil Wijesiriwardena on the concept behind the PFs that have now been well-entrenched into the communities.

According to Dr. Wijesiriwardena, the people actively involved with the PFs are looking at specific issues in the community and try to take decisions and formulate action plans to address their problems.

Some PFs would cooperate with the relevant local bodies to implement programmes and some others would pressurise local bodies to implement programmes in areas that have been mapped out in the action plans. " So PF is a decision making body and this is a bottom up decision making process like in Japan', says Dr. Wijesiriwardena.

It was obvious from the cross section of the representatives of the various PFs who attended the progress evaluation session in which action plans for various PFs were formulated that the problems and the issues were different from community to community.

For instance, the immediate concern of Trincomalee was peace and improving the security situation; while Elpitiya PF engaged in projects aimed at breaking linguistic barriers between different communities through a process of language education, addressing the issue of illegal alcohol and the spiritual needs of the community.

The exhibition of photographs depicting the various programmes which was held in conjunction with the convention, bore testimony to the positive change that had been made in the lives of the people in those communities and how they have been empowered to identify their specific issues and to make informed decisions through PFs.

Among the programmes that had already been implemented by various PFs were Tamil language classes. In a particular instance, a large number of Buddhist monks happened to be the students, in the community and infrastructure development programmes.

According to Kim Deridder, Chief of Party AED, People's Forums, over the short period of two years, have implemented more programmes though they are being funded by US Aids.

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Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Sri Lanka

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