Biden vows to fight any iraq troop boost
Incoming Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Joseph Biden, a potential
Democratic presidential candidate, said Tuesday he would oppose any
effort by President Bush to increase U.S troops in Iraq as part of a new
war strategy.

An Iraqi raises his hands while others carry the coffin of Sahib al-Amiri,
a top aide to anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, during his
funeral procession in the Shiite holy city of Najaf, 160 kilometers
(100 miles) south of Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2006. Al-Amiri
was killed in a raid by U.S. troops Wednesday, an Iraqi lawmaker
said. The U.S. military, however, said American troops participated
in a raid led by Iraqi forces that led to the death of a man with
the same name as the aide, Sahib al-Amiri. -AP |
Biden also announced he has summoned Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice to testify before his committee next month to discuss the
administration's new plan for Iraq as soon as it is made public.
The Delaware Democrat took advantage of a quiet holiday week to draw
attention to his own proposal for Iraq, which includes beginning a
drawdown of U.S. forces and finding a political settlement among the
various ethnic factions there.
Biden has spoken candidly of his desire to run for president and has
made repeated visits in the past year to early voting states like Iowa
and New Hampshire. But he is trying to find room on a crowded stage of
Democratic contenders that includes Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New
York and Barack Obama of Illinois.
Biden warned that congressional Republicans - not Democrats - would
suffer in the 2008 elections if they do not join him in speaking out
against Bush and opposing troop increases in Iraq.
If the violence continues two years from now, "every one of those
Republican senators - and there's 21 of them up for re- election - knows
that that is likely to spell his or her doom," Biden said.
Bush has not announced whether he plans to increase the number of
troops in Iraq, but administration officials say that option is among
several being considered. Also, Bush last week said he wants to expand
the size of the Army and Marine Corps to lessen the strain on ground
The move was seen by many military experts as laying the groundwork
to announce early next month a planned surge in forces in Iraq.
Biden, who will head the Foreign Relations Committee when Democrats
take control of Congress next month, said he wants to hear from Rice on
Jan. 9. The senator said she has agreed to testify, but only after Bush
announces his plan on Iraq.The president is expected to deliver a speech
on Iraq sometime before his State of the Union address on Jan. 23.
Biden said he hopes the hearings will generate bipartisan consensus
in Congress that will pressure the president to abandon talk of
increasing troop levels in Iraq. There are currently an estimated
140,000 troops in the country.