People speak on UNP's role towards Government's development

by Ananda Kannangara
A banker in the mercantile sector Supun Perera highly commended the
recent crossovers by a section of UNP MPs and said that they have been
given the opportunity to help the Government in its future endeavour.
"The members could play a major role to solve the national crisis by
strengthening the hands of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and also bring
down the cost of living," he opined. He also called on the JVP to be
more practical and help the Government like the UNP which had pledged
their support.
A state sector employee Hemasiri Jayalath commended the UNP's move
and asked the JVP also to follow suit considering the future in the
country. "They must now give up the hide and seek game as it is their
duty to support the Government to win the war," he said. School teacher
Ratnasiri Samaraweera welcomed the decision taken by the UNP MPs, but
lamented on the impact on the cost of living which is skyrocketing day
by day. "I feel the present Cabinet is too huge, therefore it is the
duty of some ministers already in the present Cabinet to resign from
their portfolios which will ease the burden on the Government.
A 43 year old grocery shop owner S. Babu anticipates the newly
appointed UNP MPs to contribute to solve the national crisis and bring
down the cost of living.
"They should not think only about the perks, but provide relief to
the ordinary poor man who is struggling with the cost of living," he
A dentist Sarathchandra Samarasinghe is hopeful that the duty of the
UNP as well as all political parties irrespective of their differences
is not forgotten to support the Government to win the war. "We are
surprised as to why the JVP which played a major role in helping
President Mahinda Rajapaksa to win the last Presidential election, do
not want to cooperate with the Government now. They must follow the
example set by the UNP MPs," he said. He also wondered as to why the
JVPers are playing hide and seek with the Government as well as with the
people of the country.
A strong JVP supporter from Kandy Athula Kandegedara said "We do not
bear any grudges with the Government, but they seem to have completely
forgotten the past. They sidelined the JVP after they joined hands with
the UNP and never sought our support whenever important decisions were
being taken,"
A journalist, Ariyasena Handuwela pleaded with the newly appointed
UNP MPs to work hard by setting an example that they took such a
decision not to look after themselves for their own comfort, but for the
sake of the country and the people.
School boy Kamalan Devaraj said the Government must get rid of Norway
as demanded by the JVP and then JVP might extend their support like the
UNP did recently," he said.
Gayantha Samarasiri asked the JVP to support the Government like the
UNP had done to solve problems rather than accept portfolios.
"If the JVP do not cooperate with the Government they may in the near
future be cornered by peace loving people," he said.
A 34 year old Kandy based company manager Gihan Wickremesinghe asked
the new group not to go after portfolios but set an example to the
masses by working hard to eliminate terrorism.
"These UNPers expressed different views on the Northern crisis and
the cost of living before they joined the Government and so now let us
wait and see what they can do to rectify the present situation," he
said. Nimal Peris of Navinna, Maharagama said President Rajapaksa should
not entertain any more UNP MPs. If that happens to country's economy
will face a further decline. "I have a strange feeling that the new band
of UNP crossovers will not help the Government to bring down the cost of
living. Their main interest is their own perks," he said.
A University student and JVP supporter Gayani Kumarasinghe was
sceptical of the alliance which could be able to solve the national
"The Government, at least now, with the guidance of Ministers like
Milinda Moragoda and G. L. Peiris must commence peace talks along with
the help of the international community," she said.
47-year-old Sumith Palliyaguru of Kelaniya said "We don't mind if the
JVP do not support the Government as long as the UNP is with them,".
"However I would request the JVP to refrain from inciting trade
unions to hold demonstrations on roads at this juncture when the
Government is taking all efforts to combat terrorism and also bring the
cost of living down," he said.
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