Making it happen
Protecting the unprotected :
Sure, everybody knows a fish is a cold-blooded vertebrate that
typically has fins and gills and exists in some substantial body of
water, but just how do you get to know more about them? Especially,
those who inhabit inaccessible terrain and are rarely seen? Little is
known or seen of their beauty, their life styles or of their struggle to
exist in increasingly hostile surroundings.
But now here's a ticket into the world of the freshwater fish
bringing them to life right on your sitting room wall. Providing an
exciting journey into the depths of the cascading torrents, the burbling
springs, the gentle rivulets, the quiet pools and the giant lakes (to
quote from the cover page) within our country, and reiterating their
passion to preserve our natural heritage for future generations, Sir
Lanka Telecom, in this year's calendar, focuses on the "Endemic
Freshwater Fish of Sri Lanka".
Renowned environmental conservationist and veteran actress Iranganie
Serasinghe commenting on this attempt at preserving our heritage for
tomorrow says "My immediate reaction at having seen this calendar is
that this is a marvelous effort by SLT.
It helps to create awareness. People will realize the importance of
preserving what is unique to us, before they become extinct, after which
there will be nothing we can do to remedy the situation".
The paintings featured on the calendar, the creations of artist
Shantha Jayaweera who has identified several key species of endemic
freshwater fish at the Maguru River Basin in Moralugoda, are the results
of painstaking hours of studying the habitats and eco-systems of the
verdant waters within our country.
It is easy to believe our ecosystem is a symphony wherein the absence
of one note will make the entire piece suffer. To save a species like
the freshwater fish by introducing them to the public, is to preserve
the balance of nature, and it is heartening to note the attempt of the
SLT at trying to preserve this balance.
It does not necessarily take a degree or money to prevent nature's
symphony from fading, but it does take will, dedication, and creativity,
and this year's SLT calendar has got plenty of all three.
Aditha Dissanayake