NGOs selling the nation and their souls to foreigners
Part 1
In an incredible twist of events, leading members of the Sri Lankan
civil society went all out to suppress the publication of Dr. Susantha
Goonatilake's book Recolonisation, Foreign Funded NGOs in Sri Lanka
without even sighting or reading the contents. They jointly petitioned
SAGE, India's outstanding publishers of academic titles, shortly after
they read a pre-publication advertisement in SAGE's catalogue. That
brief ad was enough for the members of "the civil society"(they are
inseparable from NGOs) who are supposed to be the champions of freedom,
liberty, democracy, to launch a concerted campaign to suppress Dr.
Goonatilake's book.
Kumari Jayawardena, a civil society activist from the Colombo
University, Kumar Rupesinghe, a top NGO mudalali who refused to reveal
his dollar income in public, Jayadeva Uyangoda who theorises on dividing
Sri Lanka and the rest of the world into micro states based on his
half-baked, pseudo-Marxist political science, are some of the
signatories who had no qualms in suppressing the publication of a book
that exposed their uncivil society. Rupesinghe even threatened to take
legal action if the book was published. To gang up against a
fellow-academic simply because the book was not to their liking reveals,
among other things, the depth of moral corruption in Sri Lankan civil
Dr. Goonatilake's book is about the corrupt and politicized NGOs
(this term is interchangeable with "civil society"), their proclaimed
principles and goals. It is, therefore, predictable that the academics
who thrive on NGO funding should resent its publication. Mark you, this
is the same mob that cries out for freedom of expression, freedom of
association and all that stuff if the politicians even touches a comma
in their publications. But when it comes to their personal and
professional interests they react like any other corrupt politician
fighting tooth and nail to hide the smelly private deals which the
not-so-civil society condemns in public when others do it.
To the credit of SAGE it must be said that the crypto-fascists of Sri
Lankan academia failed to frighten the Indian publishers into
submission. The courage of SAGE should be commended because the NGO
mudalalis had even prevailed on some local newspapers not to run reviews
of the book.
Reading Dr. Goonatilake's book will give an insight as to why the
NGO-dependent academics came out firing on all cylinders against the
book. With the trained eye of a meticulous research scholar he has
exposed the fat maggots feasting on the bleeding wounds of the nation.
No wonder the NGOs were hell bent on suppressing the book.
The community backlash and the declining credibility of politicized
NGOs have reduced the image of civil society figures to that of
unconscionable petty vendors selling their souls and bodies to the
highest foreign bidders. In the romantic phrase of the late Regi
Siriwardena, a permanent resident of the International Centre for Ethnic
Studies (ICES), the NGOs are the "thatched patios", fully
air-conditioned, for trading their wares. As the NGOs grew in wealth and
influence they became lucrative sources of funding their private
pleasures (including subsidizing expensive life styles and family trips
abroad), professional career paths, self-promoting advertisements, etc.
The unscrupulous academics who jumped into this bandwagon too discovered
that they could line their pockets with dollars if they danced to the
tune of the NGO drummers. The NGOs and academics formed an unholy
alliance to sell the nation for a fistful of dollars.
Hidden angle
Though they talk of transparency and accountability they are most
reluctant to come out into the open and inform the public how much extra
money they earn by servicing the foreign-funded NGOs. For instance, it
would expose the hidden angle of Rohan Edrisinghe of the Law Faculty of
Colombo University if he reveals how much he pockets monthly from being
a director at the Centre for Policy Alternative - the pro-Tamil, anti-Sinhala-Buddhist
NGO sympathetic to separatism in one form or another. Declarations of
foreign funding are essential for the public to assess the independence
and the objectivity of the opinions farmed out by academics who are on
hire for international agencies denigrating national history, culture
and politics.
Foreign agencies are quite eager to fund our academics who are
willing to write on their behalf. Prof. Carlo Fonseka was funded by
Kumari Jayawardena's husband, Lal Jayawardena for writing six rehashed
essays on Sri Lankan history for undergraduates. It is estimated he was
paid Rs. 13 million when Lal Jayawardena was the head of World Institute
for Development and Research (WIDER). What has not been revealed so far
is the sum of money paid by WIDER to Prof. S. Tambiah of Harvard
University for writing his anti-Sinhala-Buddhist book, Buddhism
But academics allied to NGOs are very backward in coming forward with
their hidden sources of income. To the funding agencies abroad local
academics are cheap sources of labour to get their research done. Their
anti-national politics, corrupt practices, and nefarious activities,
ranging from nepotism to recruiting women workers in NGOs for porn
films, have blackened their image beyond repair.
All this is fairly known among the public. But no one has made an
analytical study of the ideological perversities, the corruption,
Faustian sale of souls for mercenary gains, the slavish mentality, and
the hypocritical cesspit in which the civil society wallows. Dr.
Goonatilake probes methodically and systematically some of the key
personalities and their machinations to delineate an overview of the
civil society which has fallen into abysmal disrepute.
The rich corroborating details and the theoretical underpinnings make
his book not only an outstanding work of scholarship but an
indispensable guide to understand the behind-the-scene politics of our
The title Recolonisation, Foreign Funded NGOs in Sri Lanka says it
Hidden beneath the advertised image of being do-gooders is the hand
of foreign powers who use NGOs as agents to push their political agenda
in less developed countries dependent on foreign aid. One of the most
authoritative sources that confirmed the necessity and utility of NGOs
to foreign powers is Thomas Pickering, America's former Ambassador to
the UN. He said: "Many of these (NGO) organisations will have soft power
of their own as they attract citizens into coalitions that ignore
national boundaries. NGOs are a huge and important force. In many issues
of American policy, from human rights to the environment, NGOs are in
fact the driving force." - (The Paradox of American Power, Joseph S.
Nye, Jr, - p.xiii, Oxford University Press, 2002.)
Of course, local NGO agents would be shy to admit that they are hired
agents of foreign powers. Jehan (Pacha) Perera and Poi-kiya-sothy
Saravanamuttu are only two of the NGO poseurs who pretend that they are
independent voices distilling pure intellect with the sole altruistic
motive of providing alternative policies and panaceas to the natives.
But Ambassador Pickering has put them in their place and told them
bluntly that they are nothing but paid agents of the manipulative
foreign forces using them as cheap labour to promote and protect Big
Brother's interests abroad.
Example: Jehan Perera is financed heavily by Norway. When the World
Alliance for Peace in Sri Lanka (WAPS) - an international expatriate
organisation - took the battle against Norway's partisan role to Oslo
Perera gratuitously told the Norwegian media that the participants of
the WAPS conference were "extremists". When asked to name a single
extremist among the participants he discovered that he had lost his
tongue. In other words, he was singing for his supper supplied by his
Norwegian paymasters.
Way back in the seventies Latin American scholars were alarmed by the
questionable methodologies and end uses of foreign funded research
workers digging up material for their Ph. D theses, or for the
military-industrial complex, or multi-national corporations. In Sri
Lanka Dr. Goonatilake has been in the forefront of this independent
school of social scientists with a conscience. He has played a lead role
in exposing the NGO "coalitions that ignore national boundaries." His
book Recolonisation is a penetrating study that goes deep into the
ideological, theoretical and political distortions and manipulations of
academics and the so-called research workers hired by NGOs.
The revelations in his book are startling. The role of these
non-state actors to hijack the national agenda to serve foreign agencies
needs to be investigated by a high-powered commission of inquiry. Of
course, the NGO hacks who pontificate on everything under the sun and
probe practically everybody else's affairs will put up a stiff
resistance. But the evidence revealed in this book is alarming and
confirms the urgent necessity to appoint a new commission of inquiry
with full powers to summon and examine all documents and transactions of
NGOs if the politics and the social fabric of Sri Lanka are to be rid of
neo-colonialism creeping in through the foreign-funded NGOs.
Though they talk glibly of transparency and accountability they will
be the first to sabotage any investigations that would expose their
wheeler-dealer transactions and self-serving political agendas. When,
for instance, mild-mannered Justice Wanasundera was on the verge of
delivering adverse reports on NGO they manipulated President D. B.
Wijetunga to suppress the findings. If the members of the civil society
are genuinely interested in setting public standards of probity and
moral rectitude they must begin be opening closets for public scrutiny.
If accountability and transparency are two key criteria set for others
why should they be exempt unless they have something to hide?
Besides, Dr. Goonatilake's book reveals that NGOs have snaked their
way into the centre stage of national politics, interfering in every
walk of life to undermine sovereignty, territorial integrity and even
the defence forces. They have huge foreign-funded resources to buy up
personnel in the armed forces, Buddhist monks, academics, professionals,
bureaucrats, journalists (on New Year's eve one newspaper mirrored a
lengthy column showering praise on Jehan (Pacha) Perera and Poi-kiya-sothy
Saravanamuttu as great contributors to national peace!
In an unerring description he labels the manipulations and the
activities of the politicized NGOs as Recolonisation. This sets the
theme and the parameters of the book. In the pioneering days of
colonialism the white man came across the seas using the Chinese compass
to find their way into Afro-Asia. They used the Chinese gun powder to
conquer the ancient civilizations and used the Chinese printing methods
colonise the minds.
After the white man plundered the resources of the natives and went
back home they didn't give up their agenda of exploiting their
Hiring local agents
Neo-colonialism returned to re-colonise the natives by hiring local
agents to carry the agenda of the white man.
In other words, colonialism remains intact. Only the methodology has
changed. In the days when the sun never set on the colonial empires the
white man brought Christian missionaries with them to cleanse the native
minds of their impurities and sins. They succeeded partly by leaving
behind little colonies of Westernised epigones who imitated the white
man to the last hole in golf. But that was not powerful enough for them
to exert influence and pressure the political actors of the
post-colonial phase. They needed the "soft power" to push their agenda
beyond "national borders".
What better and cheap sources of labour can they find than the local
intellectuals paid in foreign currency! Civil servants like Godfrey
Goonetilleke and Charles Abeysekera (who left the Civil Service after
the workers in the state corporation he headed went on strike alleging
corruption) became the brown sahibs of neo-colonialism ever willing to
be the hired lackeys of foreign agendas.
Another prominent public servant who parked himself comfortably in
the NGOs is Bradman Weerakoon.
When his last posting as batman to Ranil Wickremesinghe ended he
rushed back to International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES) - a
dollar-loaded NGO headed by Neelan Tiruchelvam who was also the
political ideologue and a card-carrying MP of the Tamil National
Alliance. (TNA). Well, one does not have to be a rocket scientists to
guess what inspires the political thinking of Badman (oops, I missed the
'r'!) Weerakoon if his pay cheques come from the ICES allied to the TNA,
To be continued |