'Tea reduces risk of heart diseases'
by Chanuka Mannapperuma
International research has revealed that consuming tea could help to
reduce the risk of heart diseases, Dr. Tissa Amarakoon in Tea Research
Institute (TRI), Talawakelle told the Sunday Observer.
Dr. Amarakoon said, the most common form of heart disease is coronary
heart disease (CHD). Coronary heart disease is caused by either partial
or complete blockage of the arteries supplying blood to the heart wall
and muscles (coronary arteries). A continuous and unrestricted blood
supply by coronary arteries is essential for the heart to pump blood by
the action of the heart muscle.
Restriction of the blood flow in arteries occurs when the arteries
are thickened by plaque formation in the inner lining of the artery
walls. This is called arteriosclerosis. A blood clot could easily block
the thickened artery (Thrombosis), he said.
Plaque formation in arteries is a gradual process and lipids (fat),
including cholesterol, are the main constituents in plaque.Certain
factors such as high levels of lipids and oxidations of lipids
facilitate the deposition on the walls of the arteries.
'Oxidative stress' or large amounts of free radicals and reactive
oxygen species facilitate the plaque formation. Studies have revealed
that anti-oxidants could reduce the amount of oxidant species in the
circulatory system and therefore reduce plaque formation.
Sri Lanka is the only country which uses a minimum quantity of
pesticides to cultivate tea. Tea is a calorie free natural beverage
without added preservatives or colouring agents. Therefore consuming tea
will not only refresh and revive energy in people but, also help to head
a healthy life, Dr. Amarakoon said.