Policeman remanded for making false complaint
by Jayampathy Jayasinghe and Kapila Somaratne
A policeman who alleged that a neighbour barged into his house armed
with a T-56 rifle recently and attempted to rape his wife was remanded
by the Horana Magistrate for making a false complaint.
The Police of the Openayake police, lodged a complaint at the Horana
police that his neighbour Jagath Happuthanthri trespassed into his house
and attempted to rape his wife by threatening her. The policeman was
residing at Ilimbe, in the Horana police area.
The Horana police after inquiring into the case produced the suspect
Jagath Happuthanthri before the Horana Magistrate, B. A. R. Somasinghe
under the Dangerous Firearms Ordinance. The Magistrate ordered the
Horana police to investigate the case further and remanded the policeman
till tomorrow for making a false complaint. The suspect Jagath
Happuarachchi was granted bail.
Meanwhile, in a separate incident, a bullet riddled body of a man was
found near the Walana bus stand. Police have identified the body as that
of an employee of a night club in Colombo.
According to police the victim had several links to an underworld
gang in the Panadura area. The man was shot dead on Thursday about 7.30
p.m. while waiting for a bus to Colombo.
Two men who arrived at the Walana bus stand on a motor-cycle had
allegedly shot him dead.
Twenty-three underworld gang members from rival gangs have been
killed during the last three years, Panadura police said.
Panadura Magistrate Jagath A. Kahandegamage visited the scene of the
crime on the same night and instructed the AJMO Panadura to hold the
post-mortem examination.