Wedding Sam apologises
It's Wedding Sam who gave the D-rope to Attana Baba that Tho-Onda
would crossover. But when Sam came to know that the Bell Boys would
abstain from voting, he came running to Attana Baba and apologised. A
dejected Prince of Defeat left without even voting.
Right protocol
How come No-Way came to know Rifle Hak's crossover even before
political scribes? It has now been disclosed how Deep-Low guys on the
Mat stepped beyond their purview and go for that extra mile to score for
the obedient Elephant Party men. Right protocol eh?
My-Tree's advice
Having shattered all his dreams for 2007, a dejected Ra-Blue went
home to be consoled by better half My-Tree. She has told her husband
politico to be patient for three more years, without falling into the
traps of his own people and Wedding Sam.
Es Bee's patience
Es Bee was the most silent character amongst the Greens during the
Bud-Jet drama. Es Bee has told a close buddy that he only took time to
see how his leader gets thrown out of the dream palace built by Wedding
Sam. What else could he do?
Broken promises
An up-country stalwart of the Elephant Party is spearheading a
campaign to knock Wedding Sam and Sun Arachchi for their broken
promises. Many Em Pees are backing the hill country veteran to save the
party from Sam. But the dejected leader of the party is turning a blind
Requests for Ka-Roo
Ka-Roo the Jaya-Sun has been getting numerous calls to give an able
leadership to the Greens after Ra-Blue fared miserably at the Bud-Jet
and followed it up with a demoralising rally in Village-Five. Even three
green Em Pees too have met Ka-Roo in requesting him to take over.