Guard of Duty at the Borderline
Nilma Dole
[email protected]
Corporal Rupakumara was one of the air force personnel assigned to
protect and guard the Air Force Defence Line at Malawi in the Malakulum
area. Along with a 14 man team, they were in charge of protecting the
base under the guidance of Commanding Officer Corporal Kumara.
Corporal Rupakumara hails from the town of Medawachchiya in the
Anuradhapura District and was educated in the Medawachchiya Maha
Vidyalaya. “When I first joined the Air Force in 1996, I couldn’t tell
my parents because they would be worried sick, so I just casually told
them that I was joining the Air Force band which didn’t put my life on
the line.” says he in reminiscence.

“However, my parents discovered that I was based in Palaly base for
three months and they realized that the band is not sent to Palaly. They
had no choice but to accept it.” Corporal Rupakumara comments “I always
wanted to join the Air Force because the action of ‘flying and fighting’
always inspired me and it was a dream come true.”
Date: 13th April, 1999
Time: 0445 hrs
Operation: Jayasikuru
Location: FDL (Forward Defense Line) Malawi
The environment around was a mix of foliage and jungle along with
desert-like areas. The weather was arid and humid with a rare exception
of monsoons.
The town of Malawi being a settlement of mostly Tamil inhabitants had
been at the epicentre of war and protecting this area has been a
daunting task. Village houses on either side of the A9 was abandoned out
of fear of LTTE terrorism. The terrorists were operating from the
abandoned houses, making it difficult to detect their activities.
However, the land was cultivated. Civilians would come to the fields
during day and go back to their homes in Mannar where they would be
safe. And lying in between paddy fields and cultivated land was the FDL
of Malawi.
Just 8 kms from the FDL was the LTTE 14 Base. Consequently there were
frequent attacks by the LTTE on the reccee teams, water bowsers and food
transportation vehicles of the Forces.
In the wee hours of the morning on the day before the Sinhala and
Tamil New Year, the Sri Lanka Air Force was making a different ‘Avurudu’
preparation. It was to stay ready to fight in order to protect the
Malawi Defence Lines which was under frequent attack by the LTTE.
It was very difficult to hold the village of Malawi because of the
frequent attacks on vehicles transporting food and other provisions to
the FDL. Likewise, it was vital to guard the base round the clock.
While Corporal Rupakumara and his colleagues kept a watchful eye on
the base from the sidelines, they detected several terrorists moving
towards the FDL. They counted 14. They were making their way to the line
between the sections manned by the Army and Air Force.
The airmen saw them approach the line and squat. As soon as they
approached the line the terrorists began to fire with their T 56s.
Corporal Rupakumara and three other fellow airmen opened fire
immediately. It was 14 against four. They were outnumbered but they held
their ground. The airmen pushed forth with their attack using maximum
firepower. Immense fighting continued for about two hours.
0515 hrs: Corporal Kumara who was fighting at the front took a sudden
hit in the leg and he fell to the ground. It was clear that he was
conscious, but he could not walk. Corporal Rupakumara had to act fast,
because the terrorists were trying to get to Corporal Kumara.
Corporal Rupakumara then rushed to his aid and held him under cover.
Corporal Rupakumara was able to drag him to safety. He was administered
first aid, while Corporal Rupakumara went back to the firing position.
15 air force personnel came in as reinforcements.
0645 hrs: His comrades also held fort by continuing the fight and
they did as much to secure the base. On the sidelines Corporal
Rupakumara and his team uncovered three bodies of terrorists. A forth
was badly wounded and was wailing aloud due to his wounds. After
clearing the area, the Air Force Intelligence personnel gave him first
aid and kept him under supervision.
The Air Force also uncovered weapons, batteries, chocolates and
biscuits, a loot weighing 10 kgs. Among the apprehended items was an air
craft - a UAD - which was used to video record their operation.
It was believed that the data collected from these images were used
for air raid strategies and for determining the effective procedure of
firing missiles. It was believed that this particular aircraft was a
hi-tech aircraft worth more than a passenger air craft, around three
hundred million rupees.
It was the first time a UAD was confiscated. It was later discerned
that the 14 man LTTE team was indeed a reccee team, responsible for all
the looting and attacks in the area of Malawi.
For the courage and bravery shown in the face of the enemy and for
the efforts he took to save his men, Corporal Rupakumara, along with
three other airmen, was awarded Rana Sura Medals. Corporal Rupakumara
has been an inspiration to his younger brother who has also joined the
Air Force. He counts nearly 12 years of service to the country and says
that he will continue to protect his beloved motherland. |