Inspiration in the early morning
When I get up
Early in the morning
I hear birds singing
Oh! it is so sweet to hear.
The wind blows over my head
It rejuvenates my soul
It strengthens my heart
Giving fresh feelings to my mind
Flowers that bloom around my house
Are tossing their heads to welcome me.
They give great expectations to life.
Little drops that come from the sky.
Are twinkling on the ground.
And also on flowers of vivid colours
They are shining like gems
I can never forget the scent that
emanates from those flowers.
When my mum comes and says
"Duwa tea is ready"
I go and kiss her
As a strong, and fresh woman
Thanks to flowers, birds and wind
That gives the inspiration in the morning.
Nihara Sangapala, Newstead Girls' College.
The Departure
He was there, everywhere
Suddenly he left.... with no sound
No party, nor did you say good bye
The usual sound
That vibrated around
Is stilled....what happened?
You and I parted
Never to meet again
The void you left can I ever regain?
The chair you sat, is bare
There's an emptiness everywhere
Nothing left for me to care
No laughter, fun or love to share
Nothing left but stare
At all your photos in the house everywhere.
No, you did not go.
Your spirit within me, did not part
You are with me, a living memory
The usual birds that come for crumbs
chirp as if to query
Night and day.
Do you hear my prayers?
Morning and evening wishing you a better life
Giving you strength to walk
Down the road...... Sansara
Are you in a better world?
Looking at me from above
Doing everything alone.
I am sad and forlorn,
Are you sad or glad?
Is everyone treating you bad?
Do you see your daughter, dear?
In that same good old cheer?
Oh! where are you
My life, my love
Thus we parted.... to meet and part
Again and again on this road.... Sansara
I. Bellana, Panadura.
What a misery happened to thee....!
Dearest brother, thou do know
What's the misery happened to thee?
Thou do know the reason for....
the misery fell in thee?
The shadow of suspicion destroyed thee.
The bars of religion defeated thee
And the narrow-minded complex got by thee
Let thy life to a grave of weep.
Although the past is already gone
Ley thy chapter of misery to be closed
If thy realise the mistakes done by thee
It'll lead thy life to happiness and peace.
Everyone of those who read this poetry
Take it a point that not to suspect thy love
When there is the mark of suspicion in thy love
It'll never become real and true.
W. M. C. Perera
My guardian
I close my eyes when I feel lonely,
Because I know that I'll see you.
I listen to the wind when I want a song,
Because I know that your voice will sing for me.
I speak to my heart when I'm sad,
Because I know that you'll be there to make me happy.
I look up in the sky when I'm lost at night,
Because I know you'll be a star shining to lead me back home.
I glance back when I'm going somewhere,
Because I know you're following me to make sure I'm safe.
I gaze into your eyes when I'm doing something,
Because I know they'll show me the right and the wrong.
I search for your ears to whisper my secrets,
Because I know you'll always listen to me.
I hold your hands when I'm walking,
Because I know you won't just leave when I fall.
I trust you more than anyone else,
I know you'll always stand by me.
I know you're the one that I can rely on,
To be there always for me.
You can read my thoughts unlike anyone else,
You can show me the way unlike a million stars.
You can cheer me up unlike any fancy toy,
More than anything, you're my brother and
I thank God for that!
From: Your sister
My adorable brother
Yasas Madhavi Wickramasinghe, Southlands College, Galle.
Life's weird
Sometimes she was mad,
Sometimes she was glad,
She thought that was for a wife,
But others do not have such a life,
She felt always sad,
Then she got always mad,
But she got used to it,
She got the experience from it,
Now she doesn't want
to be happy
Because now she is always hippy.
Nisaya Junaideen
Don't blame me....
Whenever I miss you
Stars fall down from the sky
So, one day if you will
Find the sky empty
Don't blame me
It's your fault
Because you made me
Miss you so much....
To - B.Y.
From N.
On the way to victory
Love and joy should be shared
Youth or adult, there's no problem
Majesty of game should be felt by all
Promoting peace seems to be the theme, and
Incomparable talents to be displayed
Charming every heart with fun and delight
Y. S. Ranasinghe, Kandy. |