It’s not that bad
by Amy Spencer
Raise your hand if you’ve ever gotten into a stupid fight with your
guy and stormed off in a huff. Or if you get a secret rush from flirting
with a cute waiter, even though you adore your husband. Or if you
occasionally tell your guy blatantly untrue things, like, “Sure, I think
your bald spot is sexy!”
Sound familiar? Fighting, flirting, fibbing - these are all habits
that conventional wisdom says are big, fat no-no’s in a relationship.
But guess what: Everyone does this stuff sometimes - yes, even that
couple you know who looks so perfect from the outside.
And here’s the really good news: A lot of supposedly bad love habits
not only aren’t bad for you, they just might do your long-term bond a
whole lot of good. Read on to learn how these five love fouls can
actually make your relationship stronger, closer, and better than ever.
It’s dangerous, it’s wrong - it’s the gateway act to cheating. In
fact, to some, it is cheating. But the truth is, a little innocent
flirting with someone other than your steady can have serious
relationship benefits.

A little innocent flirting with someone other than your
steady can have serious relationship benefits |
First of all, the ego boost you get from flirting with someone new
can make you feel as sexy as you did when you and your guy first got
together. “Over time, couples get so used to each other, they become
complacent,” says Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D., a psychologist in Los Angeles.
“Flirting with other people brings out the ‘Wow!’ factor again. It
reignites your sexiness and boosts your confidence.” The key is that you
share the benefits: “You can take that sexy energy home to your husband
and use it in the bedroom,” says Thomas.
What’s more, if your guy bears witness to another man showing some
flirtatious interest in you now and then, that’s not always a bad thing.
“A little jealousy is like a wake-up call,” says Ted Huston, Ph.D., a
professor of psychology at the University of Texas and author of *When
the Honeymoon Is Over: Why Some Marriages Succeed and Others Fail*. “It
reminds you of how lucky you are to have what you have.”
But when does innocent flirting cross the line? Thomas’s rule: If you
wouldn’t do it with your partner present - whether because you think it
would embarrass him or because it would cross trust boundaries - don’t
do it when he’s not. And when you do flirt, be honest with yourself
about what’s behind it: If you find yourself constantly looking forward
to flirting with the handsome neighbor you see on your evening jog, you
could be sprinting toward trouble.
“Flirting is just part of my DNA and my husband knows it,” says
Heather, 31, a mother of one in Georgia. “For me, what makes it okay is
the intention behind it and what is in my heart. I know my husband is
the greatest man and father in the world, and I feel infinitely blessed
to have him in my life.
Knowing this, I don’t feel ashamed to let the flirt in me out every
now and then.”
Arguing is actually one of the healthiest things you and your guy can
do for your relationship.
It’s true that nonstop battling isn’t great for your love. (See the
movie ‘The War of the Roses.’) And some couples are so worried about the
possible negative effects of arguing - Are we tearing apart our bond?
Does it mean we’re not meant to be? - that they pride themselves on
never arguing. But here’s a surprise: Never fighting can be just as bad
as constant conflict.In fact, arguing is one of the healthiest things
you and your guy can do.
Think of fighting as relationship Drano: Once in a while you have to
clean out the pipes. Sure, it gets ugly, but afterward, things flow more
If, on the other hand, you stuff your anger, it eventually builds up
so much that it can sabotage your entire relationship. “We are not
clones of one another,” says Sam R. Hamburg, Ph.D., a Chicago marital
therapist and author of Will Our Love Last?: A Couple’s Road.
“It is inevitable that we will disagree from time to time. So either
you verbalize your disagreement, or you don’t verbalize it and you
harbor resentment, which eventually tears you apart.”
Executed correctly, a fight can even be a tool to advance your cause
as a couple. “Arguing doesn’t always lead to a consensus,” says Huston,
“but it’s useful to your relationship because it can lead to a
clarification of your differences and a solution on how to move past
them together.”
Just remember the “right” way to fight: “The key to a good argument
is that you can disagree all you want, but you still show respect to
your partner,” says Huston. Stacks and stacks of research have shown
that partners who use arguments as an opportunity to criticize each
other or show contempt (by, say, rolling their eyes) are far more likely
to separate or divorce.
“Here’s the golden rule I tell my clients about fighting,” says
REDBOOK Love Network expert Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D., author of How to Be
a Couple and Still Be Free.
“You should only talk about the problem long enough that you both
understand what the problem is. Then start working on the solution.”
Walking away angry
Okay, so you’re having a “healthy” argument with your guy, and things
have gotten superheated. You’re getting angrier, your voice is getting
louder, and you’re saying the same things over and over in an attempt to
hammer home your point. Stop and walk away, *now*. When the fight
reaches that fevered pitch, you experience an increased heart rate and a
surge in stress hormones, a phenomenon REDBOOK Love Network expert John
Gottman, Ph.D., has dubbed “flooding.” “Flooding is a physiological
response to the stress of an argument that sends your body into
fight-or-flight mode,” explains Tessina.
“The emotional side of your brain is so aroused that it overtakes
your logical side, and you’re no longer capable of being productive in
the fight.”
When either of you is flooded, the fight can stray onto ground that
isn’t just off-topic, but destructive. “Once couples open the
floodgates, they start bringing up things that happened years ago,
tapping into old feelings of pain and hurt,” says Thomas. “It’s in these
moments of fury that you blurt out hurtful things you would never say in
a calm, clear state of mind.”
To avoid saying or doing something you might regret, recognize when
you’re getting flooded and take a time-out. And since flooding is more
typical in men, according to Gottman’s research, if you sense that your
guy is losing it first, you might use your less-flooded female mind to
suggest the time-out yourself.
“My husband is so bullheaded that we’ll get to a point in an argument
where nothing is being accomplished, and we’re getting madder and
madder,” says Jennifer, 33, a mother of one from New Jersey. “I finally
started telling him I needed a break, and I leave the house for an hour.
When I come back, he’s always much calmer and he actually listens to my
If your fights often escalate quickly, try establishing a cease-fire
“Make a rule that if one of you makes the time-out hand signal,
you’ll just stop fighting, no questions asked, and step back until
you’ve both calmed down,” suggests Tessina.
If it’s late at night and you think you’re better off sleeping, do
that. Yep, you heard us right: Sometimes you should just go to bed
When you walk away from a fight, don’t walk away for good. “The
problem for most couples isn’t that their fights are too long, but that
they’re too short,” explains Hamburg. “They walk away from the fight
because they’re worked up, but then abort the fight altogether because
it makes them uncomfortable to restart.” Make a commitment that you will
discuss the issue again when you both have clearer heads. |