Remembering Lakshman Kadirgamar:
Bridging the divide and reaching sustainable peace
By Palitha KOHONA
I am first and foremost a citizen of Sri Lanka. I don’t carry labels
of race or religion or any other label. I would say quite simply that I
have grown up with the philosophy that I am probably, a kind of a
citizen of the world.
I don’t subscribe to any particular philosophy; I have no fanaticism;
I have no communism. I believe there should be a united Sri Lanka. I
believe that all our peoples can live together, they did live together.
I think they must in the future learn to live together after this trauma
is over. We have four major religions in the country. Buddhism, Islam,
Hinduism, Christianity.
All these religions exist very peacefully. They get on very well. I
see no reason why the major races in the country, the Tamils and
Sinhalese cannot again build a relationship of confidence and trust.
That is my belief. That is what I wished for and in working for that, I
will not be deterred by having some labels pinned on me.
The above excerpt of an interview with the Japanese National
Television (NHK), in September 2004 by the late Foreign Minister of Sri
Lanka, Lakshman Kadirgamar, perhaps best encapsulates that great man’s
visionary idealism and his aspiration for a Sri Lanka, devoid of
conflict and at peace with itself.
A Sri Lanka where children grow up to be adults and die of natural
causes; Where every mother does not have to worry whether her child will
return home from school; where every spouse does not live in suspense
until the breadwinner comes home in the evening; where every journey
carries with it the risk of being shredded to pieces by a suicide
bomber; where the country and our people prosper in the natural course
of events. Kadirgamar aspired to such a future and we must all make this
our goal.
July 1983 was indubitably a period of trial and tribulation, not
merely for the hundreds of Tamils who lost their lives and means of
livelihood, their life savings looted and properties burnt to the ground
by marauding mobs, but to the vast majority of peace loving Sinhalese
and Muslim people, who had to watch with horror and shock at the
unfolding carnage, even as the law enforcement machinery of the
Government of the day simply stood petrified.
It was a time that we have struggled to erase from our memory but we
continue to be confronted by the ghosts of that event. Unfortunately,
those who seek to besmirch the good name of the country continue to
highlight those grey shadows, not for any constructive purpose, but to
drag the country back and its people down. It is the strongest argument
for them, even after twenty five years, while the vast majority of the
people in Sri Lanka wish to move on and let time heal the wounds.
Dr. Nallai Nallainayagam, a former Sri Lankan civil servant, now
resident in Canada wrote to a Sri Lankan newspaper last month, on his
personal experience of the riots. I was deeply touched by his complete
absence of rancour and his sense of equanimity in sharing his thoughts.
I believe, that it is fitting that I quote from his article. Dr.
Nallainayagam, narrating his experience had this to say: “The riots
brought out the worst and the best of human traits.
Some neighbours who have lived in harmony and peace for a long time
turned informants, guiding the mobs towards Tamil homes. At the same
time, many Sinhalese and Muslims, both neighbours and strangers, risked
their lives to protect the lives of Tamils by hiding them in their homes
and feeding them till they could be taken to safety. My family sought
refuge in the house of a very close Sinhalese friend and was well looked
after for more than two weeks due to the kindness and the generosity of
this family and friends in the Muslim community.
We have no words to thank them for their bravery and kind
heartedness”. This was not an isolated or unusual story. It was repeated
over and over again across the island. But what we are always reminded
of is the worst excesses that occurred and not of the numerous
heart-warming stories such as these. Since then, despite the many
provocations by the LTTE, the Sinhalese and the Muslims have not
responded with violence. Since 1983, terrorist violence unleashed by the
LTTE has claimed the lives of thousands of our people belonging to all
communities, be they civilians or soldiers.
The cream of our political leadership and intelligentsia have fallen
victim to the ruthless killing spree of the Tigers— President Ranasinghe
Premadasa, Lalith Athulathmudali, Gamini Dissanayake and Ranjan
Wijeratne come to one’s mind. Tamil politicians and intellectuals who
were perceived to show the slightest dissent were not spared either;
starting with the Mayor of Jaffna, Alfred Duraiappah in 1975 to A.
Amirthalingam and V. Yogeswaran in the early 1990s, and more recently T.
Maheswaran, the LTTE has systematically and mercilessly eliminated
virtually any form of alternative political voice of the Tamil
The sole exception perhaps is Minister Douglas Devananda, truly a
living miracle, having survived numerous attempts on his life, for
daring to challenge the hegemony that the LTTE seeks to impose on the
Tamil people. Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam, Dr. Rajini Thiranagama, Ms.
Maheshwari Velayutham, Kethesh Loganathan and a number of human rights
activists, who spoke out against the brutalities committed by the LTTE,
were not so lucky.
I wonder whether there is any other country in the world where
atrocities such as those perpetrated by the LTTE at the Temple of the
Tooth in Kandy or at the Sacred Bo Tree in Anuradhapura or at the mosque
at Kaththankudy would not have given rise to uncontrollable passions. We
need not search far to see how lesser infractions have given rise to
raging fires of communal violence. I believe that the vast majority of
our people are decent human beings and it is to their eternal credit
that they have resisted these provocations.
Dr. Nallainayagam went on to describe with a degree of wistfulness,
the pain of leaving his motherland. In his words, he says: “It was,
therefore, a painful decision for my wife and me as we were leaving two
good jobs, the country that we loved very much and many close friends
who had enriched our lives over the years.”
Dr. Lakshman Abeyagunawardene, a medical doctor wrote about his
personal experience of those dark days, to another Sri Lankan newspaper
last month, which I feel, I ought to share with you. He wrote: “The
Black July of 1983 was a time when most Sinhala people too went through
untold misery, distress and mental agony. The homes of many Tamil
friends were going up in flames.
In the days that followed the racial riots, innocent Tamils
irrespective of their social standing, were all incarcerated in refugee
camps. Every morning, for almost a month, I went out visiting refugee
camps with a stock of drugs and other medical needs. In a hangar at the
Ratmalana airport, I met a refugee doctor with whom I had enjoyed a
drink at his plush home just a week before the riots broke out.
The speed with which the balance of racial harmony was ruptured
surprised many. But one needs to remember the constant prodding, the
repeated provocations and the unnecessarily threatening attitudes,
including the senseless murder of Jaffna Mayor, Duraiappah, and the
blatant killing of 13 soldiers, all of which contributed to what
happened in July. We must learn our lesson. We must understand the
background to avoid a situation of this nature again. We must remember
to heed the danger signs and be sensitive to what is not acceptable in
the future.
It is never likely that the majority of Sri Lankans will agree to a
partition of their land. This would apply equally to the Muslims who are
scattered throughout the country, the Tamils, 54 per cent of whom have
chosen to live in the South, mostly in Colombo and the Sinhalese who
used to constitute over 2 per cent of the population of Jaffna, sadly
they are no longer there. The Muslims who used to inhabit Jaffna are
still in refugee camps.
Once we acknowledge the basic sentiment that the country is not going
to be divided, then we need to address the issue of living in it
together as equals - with equal rights, equal privileges and equal
dignity. As Lakshman Kadirgamar so eloquently said, we have lived
together for centuries. We must be able to do so now.
We need to move forward - we will undoubtedly remember the pain, we
also must look to the future. Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike
Kumaratunga made a public apology on behalf of the nation to the victims
of the July ‘83 riots in July 2004 on its 21st anniversary.
Her Government also took action to compensate the families who lost
their loved ones, or whose properties were looted or destroyed in the
riots. While monetary compensation will not bring back the innocent
lives that were lost; it is a sentiment that is probably shared across
the entire racial patchwork that in Sri Lanka. Nevertheless, our future
lies not in perpetually scratching the old wound but in applying the
soothing balm of compassion and looking to the future.
No nation can march forward wearing sackcloth and ashes. We have many
examples from around the world where the worst memories have been laid
to rest for the common good. Germany and Japan, which have risen like
the mythical Phoenix, which have risen literally from the ashes and
rubble of the Second World War, shedding their pre-war ideologies and
policies, which had caused colossal loss of life, unspeakable atrocities
committed by man against man, unimaginable destruction of properties,
not only in the lands that they invaded, but also to their own people.
Both Germany and Japan have reconciled with the nations that bombed
them to shreds, towards the end of the war. There is no bitterness among
those people. Today, these two nations, Japan and Germany are the second
and third leading economies of the world respectively, and models of
democracy and good governance, worthy of emulation.
They collaborate closely with the powers that opposed them during the
war. Germany which had a history of endless conflict with France is
today a member of the European Union with its former adversary. Both
countries have prospered in the process. Today they are talking of
common foreign policies and common rapid deployment forces.
Similarly, I strongly believe that the moment of truth has arrived
for Sri Lanka. As you are all aware, our valiant security forces last
year succeeded in evicting the LTTE completely from the Eastern
Province, which paved the way for the restoration of civil
administration and democracy, after a lapse of almost two decades.
The LTTE left behind vast stocks of arms and ammunition, including
sophisticated suicide boats as they retreated. On 10th March this year,
the Tamil Makkal Vidudalai Pulikal (TMVP) a break away faction of the
LTTE, which embraced the democratic mainstream after renouncing
terrorism and violence, contested the Local Government elections in the
Batticoloa district and made a virtual clean sweep of all the local
bodies. The public endorsement of the TMVP was further manifested at the
ensuing elections two months later to the Eastern Provincial Council.
It is perhaps an irony of fate that a former child soldier of the
LTTE, Sivanathurai Chandrakanthan (Pillayan), commanding the majority
support of the people of the Province was elected the Chief Minister. In
a deeply moving statement, Chief Minister Chandrakanthan made during an
address to well-wishers from “Samasevaya”, the first ever peace group to
meet him at the Provincial Council Secretariat in Trincomalee earlier
this month, he said: “ We (the LTTE) in hiding, were starving in Maduru
Oya sometime ago.
A young Sinhala woman carrying an infant brought me food and drink. I
inquired from her about her husband and she said the LTTE killed him.
Her reply made me speechless. Her husband was killed by the LTTE and she
was still offering the terrorists, food and drink. It was then that I
decided to giveup terrorism.”
Ven. Walpola Piyananda Thera, the Sangha Nayaka of USA commenting on
the transformation of a terror master into a humane person, all due to
the single act of human kindness and compassion of a Sinhalese woman who
had lost her husband at the hands of LTTE terrorists, had this to say:
“In my view, this is the true spirit of Sri Lanka, the land, where for
centuries - in spite of 400 years of colonial domination - people from
diverse cultures, races and religions co-existed in peace and harmony. I
am happy to welcome Chief Minister Chandrakanthan to the leadership of
our reunited Sri Lanka, and I feel certain that he will fulfil his
duties for the benefit of the entire country.
If this Chief Minister’s heart was touched by the Sinhala widow who
reached out and offered him food, I suggest that we allow all our hearts
to be filled with compassion and forgiveness. As I have often stated, it
is time to put the past behind us and go forward together, creating a
new and stronger Sri Lanka for the good of all.”
There is a clear message here. Terrorism and violence is not the
answer to political disenchantment - certainly not in a democracy. The
world has said “no” to terrorism in no uncertain terms. Thirteen UN
conventions and many a Security Council resolution have affirmed this
stance. Terrorism has been denounced in no uncertain terms by almost all
regional organisations.
The SAARC leaders did not mince their words at the recently held
Summit in Colombo. There is no political cause or vainglorious
individual dream that would justify the violent shattering of a child’s
smile. As Chief Minister Chandrakanthan has opted to do, our task is to
make our democracy work. Our democracy has had, and will have, many a
fault. Our task is to make it work and ensure that all of our people
will have a dignified future in our country.
Elections by themselves will not solve our problems. We must be
constantly vigilant. Above all, there must be adequate funding for our
democratic institutions to work.
Happily, the government has allocated over 20 billion rupees for the
rehabilitation of the Eastern Province. Vast efforts are being made to
repair the roads, restore educational and medical facilities and
re-establish the economy. The international community has begun to
contribute substantially to these efforts. Their involvement is further
endorsement of our own efforts to eradicate terrorism and give our
people a brighter future.
The example of Chief Minister Chandrakanthan is a clear unambiguous
message to all those misguided youth, whose minds have been
unfortunately poisoned by the racist and fascist ideology of the LTTE,
and are still engaged in a futile and violent struggle against the Sri
Lankan State, unable to see reason, eschew violence and terrorism and
enter the path of democracy.
I am particularly troubled and saddened at the fate of the thousands
of young children, who have been brainwashed into sacrificing their
lives for a hopelessly lost cause. Everyday the security forces keep
advancing towards their goal.
Every minute the flower of Tamil youth is being flung at the roaring
furnace of violent confrontation to satisfy the whims of an individual
and snuffed out in mosquito infested jungles.
I do hope the remarkable transformation of a former child soldier
into the Chief Executive of the Eastern Province will have a salutary
effect in the minds of these lost children.
The Government has already initiated several projects for the
rehabilitation of all LTTE surrendees, especially child combatants,
which include intensive psychological counselling, literacy and numeracy
skills for those who have been deprived of formal education, and
vocational training, in order to ensure that they could be re-integrated
into civil society, with gainful employment and live as law abiding
citizens of the country.
If July 1983 is considered as the black mark on our nation’s good
name, then August 12 would surely rank as one of its darkest days. It
was on August 12, 2005 that Sri Lanka lost not only her Foreign
Minister, but a veritable national treasure, when an LTTE assassin
felled Lakshman Kadirgamar in cold blood.
This great son of our soil did yeoman service to the nation, fighting
a heroic battle, armed only with his brilliant intellect and superb
understanding of the world, nailed the canards and false propaganda
carried out relentlessly by the LTTE and its extensive international
network. His ready wit and inimitable turn of phrase, not only impressed
any audience, but was put to good use to silence veteran hard boiled
To a question posed by the interviewer in a “Hardtalk” program on the
BBC in March 2005, a few months before his assassination, his reply I
would like to quote:
Question: “By your own admission, you are at the top of the Tamil
Tiger hit list. How do you feel as an ethnic Tamil, yourself to be
reviled by the group?”
Foreign Minister Kadirgamar, in his characteristic style and
unruffled demeanour, gave the following reply:
“Well, see it is like this; at birth I was given a label. If having
been given that label the LTTE, nobody else, wants me to accept and
approve everything that they do, the suicide bombers, the child
soldiers, the political assassinations, the extortion of ordinary
people, if being opposed to all that makes me traitor which is what they
call me sometimes, I am absolutely delighted to accept that appellation.
I do it with pleasure.”
Lakshman Kadirgamar was a hero in his lifetime. He stood tall and
brave, defending the interests of his motherland and in this noble
endeavour, he paid the supreme sacrifice. Even though the LTTE finally
succeeded in killing the man, who was their implacable foe, the
philosophy that he espoused and the vision for Sri Lanka that he so
cherished is immortal, and cannot be destroyed. Although the man was
killed, his dream lives on - hundreds will brave the odds to achieve
that goal.
Nation building is no easy task. It is too important and onerous to
be left solely in the hands of the Government. It cannot be willed by
the Government for it to materialise, like a magician pulling a rabbit
out of the hat. It requires the participation of all stakeholders of the
nation, above all else, the commitment of all sections of the people.
It requires tons of patience, painstaking and persistent efforts to
overcome the innumerable obstacles strewn along the path, a spirit of
forgiveness and reconciliation, the ability to co-exist peacefully with
people who belong to a different community professing a different
religion or speaking a different tongue or hailing from a different
social class.
This would mean that we should rise above all these artificial
barriers that have hitherto divided us, and embrace the spirit of our
nation and celebrate the diversity of the various cultures and religions
that have so enriched our island home.
The greatest tribute that we Sri Lankans can pay to this outstanding
patriot is to break free from the prisons that we have ourselves built,
that have trapped us into thinking along parochial and insular lines,
which have stultified the growth and development of our small but great
We have no time to waste simply by basking on our past glory; nor on
rekindling old animosities, the roots of which lie deep in our colonial
past or even beyond. The past is gone. We should look towards the future
with optimism and courage and move forward as one nation.
I believe SLUNA can and I hope will take up the challenge to reach
out, particularly to our compatriots in the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora.
They too could, and in fact should, be legitimate stakeholders of the
new Sri Lanka that we all should build together, devoid of conflict, as
one nation and one people.
(Based on the speech made by the Foreign Secretary Dr. Palitha Kohona
at the 25th Anniversary Celebrations of the Sri Lanka United National
Association (SLUNA) in Toronto, Canada yesterday.) |