Eighth SAARC trade fair concludes today
The eighth SAARC trade fair themed, “Regional opportunities for
global growth “ will conclude today at the BMICH.
President, SAARC Chamber of Commerce Tariq Sayeed told the opening
ceremony that fairs and exhibitions is the latest way to promote goods
and services. It unleashes the untapped potential and therefore they
should be organised more regularly.
He said that Germany held 348 exhibitions last year and led the list
while China and USA were in second and third positions holding 260 and
200 exhibitions. There were 165 exhibitions in the SAARC region.
Sayeed said that China generates 15% of its GDP by holding trade
fairs and exhibitions. If other countries take the cue they too can
achieve these growth rates.
President, FCCISL Nawaz Rajabdeen said that the trade fair has 400
stalls which comprises India and Pakistan-50 stalls each and Nepal 10
stalls and Sri Lanka more than 100 stalls.
Minister of Export Development and International Trade Prof. G.L.
Peiris said that we in the SAARC region are not dependent on the
developed countries any more as trade has developed within the region
due to trade promotion between countries by signing multilateral and
bilateral agreements.
He said the SAARC region is home to over 1.4 bln people and trade
within the region is a way to achieve prosperity.
Prof Peiris said that the values treasured in the region nurture and
expand ties between countries in the region.
The first SAARC Fair was held in New Delhi in 1996. |