Aesop's fables
Retold by Risitha DEELAKA WICKMAL
Capability of the incapable
A lion moved from its dilapidated lair to another one which had been
used by its grandparents. Since that lair had been abandoned for a long
time, a rat had occupied it. When the lion stormed into that lair, the
rat had no place to live. When the lion snatched the helpless rat, it
appealed to the lion to set it free, pleading the lion that it would do
any favour to the lion in whatever the way it could.
The lion, feeling sorry for the small beast, let it reside in the
same lair, saying "You think that you're a capable one? Shut up and stay
in the lair without boasting." One day when the lion in search of it
prey, it was caught by a group of hunters and they tied the lion to a
tree with a rope.
Being unable to even move, the lion was under the tree starving for
two days. When the rat found that its companion was missing, the worried
rat went in search of the lion. When the rat reached the middle of the
wilderness, it found the lion lying on the ground with its body tied to
a tree.
The rat was happy, however on seeing the lion. It ran to the lion in
a blink of an eye and started gnawing the rope so as to free the lion.
And then the rat cast a look at the lion and said, "Dear, can you
remember, the first day, when I asked you to set me free for I would do
any favour for you according to my capability? And also, do you remember
the way you cast a sarcastic smile at me and said that you would never
be in need of my favour?"
Moral of the story
We have no knowledge of our unpredictable fate. Today we might refuse
to extend our favour for those who are weaker than us. But later those
very week ones would be able to help us - even rescue as from impending
death. Fate can make the capable person need the assistance of the
Ideal body with little effort - 25 steps
You are still assured an ideal body is a far dream which demands
unreal efforts for the embodiment? And that only show business stars and
long-legged models possess such treasure? It is not quite truth. You
cannot reach an ideal, because it simply does not exist. But it is
possible to come nearer to the chosen standard and pass this way a light
step as much as possible. For this purpose you just need ...
You need to go on steps! When a person walks upstairs, he burns as much
calories for a minute, as during jogging! So maybe it is necessary to
prefer pedestrian lifting to lift though sometimes?!
2. Help your stomach Mint tea will help to prevent stomach swelling,
thereby, promoting digestion. Watch the food. Exclude from the diet (or
at least reduce to a consumption minimum) fried potato, hamburgers,
chips and other products which are able to spoil not only a stomach, but
also figure skilfully. If you suddenly want to have a snack, stop your
choice on vegetable salad or fruit yoghurt. As advertising says: it is
both tasty and useful!
3. Do not forget about feet Do not be lazy to peel and feed your
stops. Pick up a daily cream for them. They will remain soft, as if you
are a baby.
4. Strengthen your press To make your stomach flat, it is completely
not obligatory to sit on long wearisome diets and visit an exercise room
regularly. It is enough to like and carry out simple exercise regularly.
Lying on a floor, bend feet, having pressed stops to a floor. Hands -
on a nape. Strain stomach muscles, raise a trunk so that only shovels
and shoulders came off a floor. It is necessary to stay in such position
(count to 4, slowly). Fall to a starting position. Rising - exhale air,
falling - inhale. Press strengthening will allow your stomach being
always fit.
5. Straighten or twist hair At the expense of straight vertical locks
a girl looks more harmonious, but owners of straight hair can sometimes
transform them into amusing ringlets. It diversifies your appearance and
will make you more confident.
6. Choose the right colour Try to define what colour really suits
you, and which one it is better to refuse. Such trifle as colour of
clothes, actually perfectly underlines advantages and hides lacks. For
example, clothes of one shade will visually create an effect of more
harmonious silhouette.
7. Eat dried fruits Fig, dried apricots, prunes - they contain a lot
of microcells and vitamins. Indulge yourself, diversify your diet and at
the same time supply an organism with vitamins.
8. Choose chocolate Chocolate is not harmful, even for those who
constantly watches their figure and do not dare to eat sweets. However,
only dark chocolate (approximately 70 %) can be named useful. It
contains many beans of cocoa and minimum quantity of sugar.
9. Eat regularly Your body will just have no forces to remain
beautiful, if you have no breakfast, spend lunch time at meeting, and
chews sandwiches in a break. Try to eat often, but in small portions, do
not eat after 6 p.m. It is also very important not to eat during breaks
between meals. This addiction can add you some kgs of excess weight.
10. Make friends with sports Also you should know, not the quantity
of training is important, but their quality. Even short training for 10
minutes can promote improvement of your figure and health strengthening.
11. Say yes to heels! Let's start with the fact that they can
visually extend feet. Besides they promote strengthening of muscles,
feet look more harmonious. And thongs on ankles bring the whole effect
of lengthening to nothing. Shoes on a platform can also spoil a
silhouette. The most optimum variant - a heel not higher than 5 cm.
12. Do not take great interest in Diets. Professionals say it
promotes delay of metabolism and exhaustion of muscular weight.
Therefore an organism starts requiring products containing much fat. And
fasting days are really useful! Just starve and eat with mind.
13. Laugh, smile! After all if you laugh loudly with all the heart,
stomach muscles will be in work. And cheerful people always draw
14. Grow fond of grapefruits It is possible to get rid of hypostases
by means of their juice, after all this is a natural diuretic. You
receive a real power charge from one glass grapefruit juice, as it is
rich with vitamin C. 15. Watch calories Be afraid of high-calorie and
fat dishes. Yes-yes, for example, our favourite cakes. Or fried potato.
It is better to eat fish, boiled rice, vegetables. 16. Stand up straight
Thanks to a good bearing you can not only look slimmer (after all it
adds growth). Your breath becomes deeper, so - cells will be enriched by
oxygen well.
17. Trace degree After all alcohol also promotes superfluous kgs. It
will be ideal to exclude all alcoholic drinks, but after all it is
almost unreal. Therefore it is possible to drink white wine preliminary
mixed with mineral water.
18. Struggle with cellulite Today cosmetic market offers lots of
excellent means, which will help you struggling against "orange-peel".
19. Do not abuse yourself Even if you have eaten a huge chocolate bar
and couple of creamy ice-cream portions. Usually people eat a lot
because of loneliness or boredom. Try to diversify your life, eat in
company. You will have no time and possibility to eat food in
considerable quantities.
20. Observe measure Eat gradually, but frequently. Arrange fasting
days regularly, but not excessively.
21. Pool is an excellent pastime And also a wonderful mean to support
an organism in a tone. Besides swimming burns fats and results heart
work in norm.
22. Drink water 8 glasses a day. It is possible to add a lemon
segment or dilute water with apple juice. It promotes digestion and
reduces appetite.
23. Do not forget about depilation Get rid from grown hairs at home
or in salon. After all they do not decorate us at all.
24. Watch hands Not well-groomed hands spoil both mood, and shape. Do
manicure regularly: you will be pleased, and associates will note you.
25. And ... Support high self-estimation! Even if at times self-trust
leaves you, just cheer up and recollect something pleasant. |