Eleven things we hate about iTunes
and iPhone owners know that Apple’s iTunes is the dominant software for
managing digital media. But some aspects of iTunes drive us nuts.
iTunes are our gateway to millions of song downloads, thousands of TV
shows and movies, that killer new App Store and a terrific selection of
podcasts. Without it, our iPods and iPhones would be empty, lonely and
But, oh, does iTunes drive us crazy sometimes. It lacks obvious
features, hobbles others and does things that are just plain dumb. In
some cases, Apple’s decision-making is to blame, not iTunes itself, but
the latter is the conduit through which those bad decisions trickle.
We’ve rounded up 11 of these annoyances, all of which Apple could fix
in about five minutes. In the meantime, we’ve listed workarounds for
many of them - because, let’s face it, much as we hate iTunes sometimes,
we’re stuck with it.
1. Wildly inefficient updates
Kudos to Apple for releasing frequent updates to iTunes, fixing bugs
and adding features along the way. But big-time demerits for forcing us
to download and reinstall the entire program for every little update.
And bundling QuickTime, too, whether it’s new or not. Yo, Apple, ever
heard of a patch? Some folks are still using dial-up, you know.
2. DRM (Boo!)
iTunes gave us the 99-cent song download, thus paving the way for
honest people to buy music at a fair price. So why does the iTunes Store
still employ digital rights management (DRM) for the majority of songs
in its library, restricting users from sharing their music on multiple
Blaming the record labels no longer holds water:
AmazonMP3 and Rhapsody are among a growing number of services selling
DRM-free MP3s from all the major labels, not just EMI. At least iTunes
no longer charges extra for the latter’s “iTunes Plus” selections, but
why hasn’t Apple given DRM the heave-ho once and for all? At least
customers have alternatives now.
4. ‘Pushing’ of other programs by iTunes installer
Earlier this year, Apple hopped aboard the crapware train by adding
its new-for-Windows Safari browser to its Software Update tool - which
tends to appear whenever there’s a new version of iTunes. Anyone
accustomed to clicking OK without looking too closely would end up
installing Safari, which was selected for download by default. At least
now the browser is relegated to a “New Software” category - but it’s
still automatically queued up for download unless you clear the check
Meanwhile, any Windows user who installed iTunes 7.7 (the version
that introduced the App Store) will find a surprise in Windows’ Control
Panel: a MobileMe service Preferences icon. It lands there whether
you’re a MobileMe subscriber or not, and whether you want it or not.
5. No subscription service -
still If you’re going to keep clinging to DRM, Apple, how about
giving us a music-subscription service to go with it? You know, the kind
offered by Napster, Rhapsody and Zune Marketplace.
For 15 bucks a month, a Zune Pass lets us buy unlimited (but not
unrestricted) downloads that we can pack into our high-capacity iPods.
It’s an unbeatable way to discover new music - and the more music we
discover, the more music we’re likely to purchase.
6. ‘Neglected’ podcasts stop downloading
iTunes is like a strict schoolmarm: If you don’t listen to your
subscribed podcasts on a frequent and regular basis, the program stops
downloading new episodes. Say, shouldn’t that be our decision? Does
Apple think we’re low on hard-drive space or something? We’ve got gigs
to spare, so keep the podcasts coming. That’s why we subscribed to them,
after all.
Unfortunately, iTunes has no setting that can override this
dictatorial action. Guess we better keep our regular appointments with
“The Onion Radio News” and the “Car Talk” guys.
7. The mystery check box
Next to every single item in your library - songs, TV shows, podcasts
and so on - there’s a little check box. It’s been there as long as we
can remember, but if the iTunes help function explains its purpose, that
entry is really hard to find. Do you uncheck items to stop them from
Check items that you want in a playlist? What’s upwith the box?!
Actually, it’s pretty simple: Unchecked items don’t get played when
you’re listening to your library or a playlist. Likewise, unchecked
items don’t get synced to your iPod if you enable the “Sync only checked
songs and videos” option in the device’s Summary menu. Handy options,
right? So why all the secrecy?
8. NBC shows - bring them back!
Come on, Apple, make nice with NBC already. New seasons of “Chuck,”
“Heroes” and “30 Rock” are right around the corner, and we’re just
itching to watch them on our iPods and iPhones. Bet you can’t even
remember what the fight was about. Oh, right, money. Seems like both
sides were making quite a lot of it, and now both of you are getting
Wouldn’t something be better? Swallow your pride and get NBC back on
board in time for September. We’ve got money for “Office” burning a hole
in our pockets.
9. Weak dockable player controls
Here we are, seven versions into iTunes, and the player still doesn’t
have decent dockable controls. The iTunes toolbar (accessible by
right-clicking the Windows taskbar, the choosing Toolbars, iTunes)
offers only the most basic player functions, and doesn’t even show you
which track is currently playing. As for the Mini Player, it can’t
actually dock anywhere: At best you can configure it to stay on top of
other applications if you venture deep enough into the program’s
settings menu (look near the bottom of the Advanced tab).
What we really want is a dockable iTunes toolbar with volume, seek,
play/pause and other controls, and an optional song-info ticker. Firefox
and Internet Explorer users can get that kind of goodness from the
FoxyTunes extension, which adds customizable iTunes controls to the
10. Rotten at exporting playlists
Want to use your carefully crafted, years-in-the-making playlists
with another program or a non-iPod player? Sorry: They’re locked up like
gold bars at Fort Knox. While most music managers employ the
industry-standard M3U format for playlists, iTunes marches to the beat
of its own proprietary-format drummer. Yes, you can export an iTunes
playlist, but only for importing it back into iTunes again.
Thankfully, developers have come to the rescue. Eric Daugherty’s
iTunes Export turns any iTunes playlist into an M3U file, and iTunes
Sync makes it possible to sync your song library and playlists with a
variety of non-iPod players. Best of all, both utilities are free (thank
you, developers!).
11. No e-books
On the subject of e-books on iTunes, Steve Jobs famously declared,
“People don’t read books anymore.” (Guess they listen to them, though,
as audio books have been a staple on iTunes for years.) Admittedly,
smallish iPod screens don’t lend themselves well to reading on the go,
but the iPhone and iPod Touch are perfect for the job. Heck, they could
easily challenge the Amazon Kindle for e-book supremacy, as their sharp,
roomy touch-screens let you turn pages by swiping a finger — just like
in a real book.
For now, book lovers can get their fix from eReader, a free iPhone/Touch
app connected to eReader and Fictionwise bookstores. But iTunes and
e-books seem like such a natural fit. Maybe together, they could
encourage people to