STF commemorates fallen heroes
The Sri Lanka Police Special Task Force will be conducting special
religious programs to commemorate their fallen heroes tomorrow. The STF
annually holds this remembrance event for all their comrades who
sacrificed their lives since September 1, 1984 where four STF officers
on duty died due to a LTTE land mine explosion in Tikkum area in Jaffna.
Police Constables Ekanayake, Chandrapala, Nanayakkara and driver
Sumanasekara died due to this explosion. This year it is the 24th event
of this annual remembrance. During this history 421 elite forces
officers and six civil members of the STF have sacrificed their lives
for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country.
Two Deputy Inspectors General, one Superintendent of Police, 35
Assistant Superintendents of Police, 28 Inspectors, 37 Sub Inspectors,
301 Sergeants and 17 Sergeant drivers are among these heroes, the STF.