Protect the ozone layer
Climate change is high on the world agenda right now and protecting
the ozone (O3) layer should be considered as one of the most important
segments of this agenda.
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, also known as
World Ozone Day, is commemorated on September 16. The theme for this
year is ‘Montreal Protocol - Global partnership for global results’.
The international day was declared by the UN General Assembly on
December 19, 1994, to commemorate the date of signing, in 1987, of the
Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer.
Countries were encouraged to devote the day to promote activities
which contributed to this objective.
Significant action has been taken over the years to reduce ozone
depleting substances in the environment. According to the Montreal
Protocol, developing countries agreed to reduce CFC sources by 50 per
cent by 2005 and see their total elimination by 2010.
These nations have been helped to achieve standards in reducing
production and consumption of ozone depleting substances. More than 1.5
million tonnes of such substances have now been permanently eliminated.
CFC levels have been brought down significantly, but the full recovery
of the ozone layer is expected to take another 50-100 years. |