What shades to choose?
From last week......
Dry shades are well imposed (especially on the powdered skin) and
easily removed. They are proof enough and are long stored, as they
contain no moisture - a nursery for microbes.
Pressed shades are on sale usually in plastic boxes in one or several
colours, and, colours can be placed both in separate compartments, and
pressed in a uniform tablet.
shades are a bit more difficult in application, and they last not for
long, but protect skin from drying and environment influence better.
High quality shades do not roll down. But if such thing occurs, it is
because of eyelid badly humidifying. Take as a rule: in the morning and
evening apply a special fluid round eyes, let the cream be absorbed.
After that it is possible to apply a shade-basis or simply compact
powder using applicator. And still: pressed shades always roll down
less, than liquid.
Liquid shades are the most proof. But at drawing they quickly dry up,
and consequently it is necessary to do it quickly enough, non-uniform
drawing differently will turn out. Besides, they often accumulate in eye
folds, especially at a paint overabundance. Liquid eye shadow contains a
group of vegetative waxes, which provide tremendous firmness to shades.
For bright accent on eyes, pencil an accurate line on edge of an eyelid,
and, to give mysteriousness to a sight, shades slightly.
Colour choice:
Brunettes will choose combinations of gentle-blue shades, colours of
a pigeon wing, ivory, young greens.
Red-haired - pistachio shades, lilacky shades.
Swarty skin is shaded well by violet shades, pink, apricot, which
should be applied gently, shading carefully.
For business women light-beige tones of make-up are pertinent. In a
business make-up bright eye shadow is inadmissible are accurate eyebrows
and dense eyelashes are quite enough.
In the evening golden lipstick for eyelids is in perfect harmony with
golden ink for eyelashes. A pencil for eyebrows of a lighter tone, than
natural colour of eyebrows, will decorate you even more.
Grey tone will suit all women, especially for an evening make-up.
Classical eye make-up:
It is better to use not sets, but "couple" shades. Two complementary
colours in a necessary colour spectrum - what can be better? Choose
shades only from expensive brands, this way your make-up will be smart!
1. Apply light shades on an upper eyelid and a hollow over it,
starting from a nose. They should not rise above a fold. Then pencil a
thin line along an external eye corner and under bottom eyelashes. It
should disappear gradually to the middle of eyelid. Pound this line
Slightly gleaming shades of corporal colour (like a damp skin) are
actual, they freshen a lot. Pink shades suit any woman. One stroke of
light pink shades on an internal eye corner - under a line of eyebrows -
will transform sight into radiant.
2. Underline an upper eyelid fold with shades of darker colour,
distribute them little higher and little lower, pound with a finger-tip.
3. Cover space directly under an eyebrow with a light cosmetic
Thus it is necessary to follow an eyebrow bend accurately. Pound a
pencil carefully with a finger-tip.
4. Pencil a line as much closer to eyelashes firstly along a lower
eyelid, then - along top. Pound both lines. To give bigger
expressiveness to eyes, it is necessary to pull back a lower eyelid
using little finger and lead round its internal edge.
Artificial eyelashes
Before applying them on upper eyelids for the first time, it is
necessary to truncate eyelashes, which "will lay down" on the edges of
eyelids turned to a nose. Artificial eyelashes fasten to an upper eyelid
by means of a special glue. Other ways of fastening are unreliable.
Before pasting a full set of eyelashes, firstly they need to be put
to eyes and cut, if necessary. Then grasp them with tweezers in the
centre and apply a thin layer of gluing on an internal part.
Separate eyelashes look more naturally. They are applied on natural
eyelashes from outside external eye corners. They can be applied only in
a certain place and not removed until they do not start showering, as
real ones.
"Downy" eyelashes are pasted to natural eyelashes by means of a hulk
for eyelashes. Paint a line formed by false eyelashes, and paint
eyelashes with mascara carefully. |