Rs. 15.2 m compensation for Jaffna victims of violence
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The Ministry of Resettlement and Disaster Management has allocated Rs.
15.2 million as compensation to families affected by violence in the
Jaffna district, sources said.
The allocation was made at the request of Minister of Social Services
and Jaffna district Parliamentarian, Douglas Devananda, the sources
Hundreds of families in the Jaffna Peninsula were affected due to
violence and measures have been taken to pay the compensation to the
next of kin of the victims, depending on the damage they suffered, the
sources said.
Minister Devananda will present the compensation cheques to the
families affected in the Jaffna district shortly and the process will be
expanded to other areas in the region, the sources said.
The Jaffna Government Agent’s office is preparing the list of people
for compensation. Compensation for deaths and for the injured would be
paid separately, the sources said.