Visitors deface heritage site
By Nilma DOLE
[email protected]
Litter is strewn all over the Embekke Devala in Kandy. Local visitors
touch the ancient wood carvings and disfigure it.
Garbage is dumped on the Lankatileke mountain and the 'Please take
your litter with you' notice at the entrance to the Gadaladeniya Temple
is observed more in the breach.
The Archaeological Department faces financial constraints in
combating this problem. Director General, Dr. Senerath Dissanayake said
though they conduct educational campaigns in around 50 schools in the
country, they appeal to the Central Environment Authority to help them
financially through the Central Cultural Fund. Local awareness should be
created because not only foreign tourists do the damage. "Since these
are historic monuments, if action isn't taken soon, our children will
not learn about their past", he said.
The Embekke Devala, where rare specimens of unique wooden carvings
are found was declared a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1988.
One of its caretakers, R. Tilekeratne said, "Long wooden spokes were
used to erect the structure and these are antiques.