Jaffna Bishop visits Madhu
The Bishop of Jaffna Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Savundharanayagam took part
in a religious service at the Madhu Church yesterday for the first time
since the shrine was liberated from the LTTE by the Security Forces a
month ago.
Jaffna Bishop Thomas Savuntharanayagam visited the shrine area and
saw the renovation work carried out by the Security Forces, soon after
the church was rid of the LTTE presence. Bishop Savuntharanayagam is
also the first Bishop, in the Mannar diocese to visit the Madhu church
for the first time since the shrine was liberated from the LTTE, Mannar
Vicar General Rev. Anthony Victor Sosai told the Sunday Observer. The
Minister of Christian Affairs has allocated Rs. 1.6 million for
renovation work and the security forces played a keyrole in the
renovation activities, according to Vicar General.
Meanwhile, the Security Forces are currently engaged in clearing
mines in the surrounding areas of the Madhu Church.
A ten-member team including nuns in the church premises are
conducting the routine rituals, the sources said. |