Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 12 October 2008





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Indian Govt. will not endorse TN request - Karuna

While concerns about Tamils in Wanni is growing in Tamil Nadu (TN), the newly sworn in Parliamentarian, the leader of the TMVP Vinayagamoorthi Muralitharan said that the Tamil Nadu politicians, including the AIADMK leader Jayalalitha, was trying to get a political mileage by voicing themselves for Wanni civilians.

Describing the sudden affection as a 'political propaganda' for the forthcoming elections in Tamil Nadu, he said that the TN administration could not 'drop' food stocks in a adhoc manner without consulting the government. "If they do so it is a violation of the country's foreign policy and the law", he said.

He said that these concerns about Tamils in Wanni will fade once the TN election was over. Muralitharan told the 'Sunday Observer' that there was no food scarcity in Wanni as lorry loads of food stocks were being sent to the unliberated areas through the Government Agents. " I know that the Central government of India will not endorse the TN's request because they very well know about the LTTE", he said.

Following are the excerpts of the interview:

Q: Apart from being the Leader of the TMVP what are your new plans as a member of Parliament now?

A: The President made a very bold decision by appointing me to Parliament while facing strong criticisms from the Opposition pollical parties. President helped us to come to the political mainstream and I would like to join the government to develop the country and also my province. I want to develop the East as it is neglected for over 20 years. There are so many areas which need fresh looking at.

First thing that I want to do is to serve all the Tamils, not only the Eastern Tamils. The second is I want to intergrade all the communities - Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims. This is one priority of my agenda. It is very important to bring all the communities together. What we experienced for the past 22 years is due to lack of integrity among these communities. Last month, Verugal Temple festival was held in Vakarai. People were very happy as lots of Sinhala devotees came for the festival. I want to bring new changes. I want to do many programs to bring these communities together. Meanwhile, I also want to work with all the political parties.

Q: But the Eastern Muslims think that they lost their rights under new adminstration and that they are not treated well. How do you plan to address their issues?

A: The Muslims in the East are economically and educationally well off and have a better standard than the Tamils. The main reason is that lives of Tamils were destroyed by this war. They do not have any development for the last 23 years. The Muslims have parliamentarians to represent their grievances and they had alliances with every government. So they reaped many benefits from all the governments.

But, the Eastern Tamils have to start from zero. If they have that kind of feeling it is wrong, and under the TMVP administration they will be treated well. I have talked with many Muslim leaders and now I have arranged facilities for them to do agriculture. I think if we work together we can develop the province fast. So, no community is left behind.

Q: With the killing of Gen. Janaka Perera, some point their fingers towards the TMVP. How do you respond to this serious allegation?

A: I totally refute this allegation and we are a democratic political party just as other parties. I was so upset when I heard that he was killed. I know him and his talents in the battlefront as I have confronted him in several battles when I was with the LTTE. No doubt, he was killed by Prabhakaran. This shows that there is no exception for those who have been listed by Prabhakaran. If not today, he will take his target tomorrow. Gen. Janaka Perera was a LTTE target and Prabhakaran tried to kill him on two occasions - one attempt was just after capturing Jaffna in the Riviresa operation and the second instance was after the Weli Oya operation. Both of these operations were done successfully by Gen. Perera. As he failed to take the revenge earlier, this time he got it.

Q: AIADMK leader Jayalalitha has asked the Tamil Nadu Government to send food to Wanni at a time the government is sending 5,000 mt of food there. Is this a genuine effort by the Tamil Nadu administration?

A: No, it is not a genuine attempt because Tamil Nadu politicians are talking about Tamils in Sri Lanka when they want to get some political mileage. This is because their elections are around the corner. This is totally an election propaganda.

Jayalalitha has vehemently condemned the LTTE earlier, but now she talks about the sufferings of Tamils. If they are genuinely concerned about us Tamils it is a good sign, but I know that after the election they will not have this same concerned about our Tamils.

Q: Do you see any necessity for sending additional food to Wanni?

A: No, in my opinion they cannot send food as they wish. If they are so interested in Tamils in Wanni they can carry out the process through the government. If they send food without consulting the government it is a violation of the country's law. They cannot drop food to Wanni as they did once. Our country has a foreign policy and Tamil Nadu cannot do that without the permission of the government. They have to negotiate with the government. I want to ask them why this sudden affection comes from Tamil Nadu.

But, I know that the Central Government will not allow this to happen as they have already made a decision about the LTTE. They know about the LTTE's behaviour better than Tamil Nadu.

Q: A dispute between you and the Chief Minister Chandrakanthan was highlighted few weeks ago. Is there any such dispute between both of you for the leadership?

A: As the Leader of the TMVP I like to work together for the development of the East. All the members are aware about my commitment to the TMVP. Our party has a tough discipline and it is governed according to the party rules. If somebody has violated the party rules we would take it up with the Central Committee to take action.

But at the moment there is no dispute among us or in the party. I do not deny that we have problems. But they are minor matters like in any other political party. I am the Leader of the TMVP and I have power and responsibility to control them. I only look into the discipline of the party Otherwise, I am not interfering with his administration.

What I want to say is that some interested parties including the LTTE are trying to divide us as the TMVP is the only Tamil political party to represent the entire East. There are five or six Tamil political parties in the country but their leaders are from the North. Some do not like to see us in the political mainstream.

Q: If you recalled the days that you have decided to breakaway from the LTTE, how hard was it to finalise it?

A: No one had the courage and bravo to go against Prabhakaran. From the cadres to leaders, they thought the LTTE was a very dangerous organisation and they could not escape the LTTE. But, I did not think and even now I do not think that the LTTE is a dangerous organisation. I took this decision risking my life and I know who is Prabhakaran. The international community or any of the governments do not know his nature. I wanted to expose him and to tell who was Prabhakaran and the mistake and the sin that he has committed against the Tamils.

Finally, I achieved my objective and I know I am living with a death warrant from the LTTE. I wanted to breakaway with my cadres and now no one tagged me as a traitor because I brokeaway with hundreds of cadres. I am happy I was able to save their lives.

Q: But the LTTE has announced that you broke away to avoid some disciplinary charges?

A: That is not true. After I declared my breakaway they had put these charges. I stayed with the LTTE for more than 23 years and the LTTE has a high degree of discipline. Why did not they find such allegations against me before my departure. Prabhkaran trusted me a lot and I maintained good discipline when I was in the LTTE and that was the success behind me as a military commander. Otherwise, I could not control the cadres.

Q: What would be your next target, is it to become a Minister?

A: I do not think about a ministerial portfolio. The President has to take that decision. As I said, the East should be developed because the whole world is looking at the East now. If I am given a ministry which I can develop the East I would do my best to convert the province into one of the best in the whole of Asia.

Q: The Army Commander has called the prominent LTTE leaders including Banu, Lakshaman and Theepam to surrender with their cadres to save their lives as the battle is getting strong. What is your message to them?

A: Definitely, at the final stage they have to die. So, it is good for them to surrender before that. If they come to our areas we will arrange everything for them. When the Army liberated the East, more than 500 cadres surrendered and I had spoken to the Army Commander and he took all steps to welcome them and they were not harressed. Some are with the TMVP, some had gone abroad and some enjoy normal lives now.

Not only Banu, Lakshaman or Theepam, but if all the cadres can flee to liberated areas abandoning the battle, I will also join with the Army Commander to give them facilities. Especially the normal cadres are very innocent young boys and girls who have been recruited forcibly.

Q: If they are willing to join the TMVP, are you going to welcome them warmly?

A: Yes, if they can come to the political mainstream we will welcome them. They can work with us.

Q: The JVP claims that you have robbed their chance and entered Parliament. They are in the process of taking legal action against your appointment.

A: I did not have anything to do with this decision. The Government took the decision and they asked me to come to Parliament. I think that the government and the JVP will solve this matter. But some of the JVPers, who talked with me, said that they are happy to see me in Parliament. They like to help me as they did in the early stages of my breakaway.

Q: Though the TMVP is in the democratic process, the TMVP has been accused of child conscription and abductions. How do you face these allegations?

A: This is not true and we have made several announcements through the media and the international community. But some human rights organisations like Amnesty International accused us continuously. We know that the LTTE has some involvements with some of these organisations. We are a very transparent political party and we do not want to carry arms.

Q: Once you had said that the UNP was willing to work with you when you were with the LTTE, but they have criticised you becoming an MP. Why?

A: This is a political issue. Politically, they turned back, but personally they are happy to see me in Parliament. In future, many TMVPers will enter Parliament.

Q: Now as a Tamil politician what do you have to say about the other Tamil political parties?

A: Except Minister Douglas Devananda none of these politicians have done anything for the Tamils. Especially the TNA is acting for the LTTE and does not voice itself for Tamils. Though the TNA has good politicians they cannot talk or work except for the LTTE. Mr. Sampanthan is a very good Tamil politician, but he is trapped.


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