The immortal note that captures the heart beat of the nation
Maestro Dr. Premasiri Khemadasa (January 25, 1937 -
October 24, 2008):
By Indeewara Thilakarathne and Ranga Chandrarathne
[email protected]

Maestro Dr. Premasiri Khemadasa
Maestro Dr. Premasiri Khemadasa will be best remembered for his film
music and symphonies like Maha Muhuda (The Sea), Mage Kale Mavuni or
Mother of my Time (Dedicated to his mother), Pirinivan Mangalya (A
Buddhist Requiem), Beyond Horizon. Beyond Horizon was specifically
composed for Voice and Chamber Orchestra, written for the Chamber Music
Society of Colombo. The first performance was held at Temple Trees.
Apart from his Sinhalese operas like Manasawila, Doramandalawa and
Agni, maestro Dr. Premasiri Khemadasa is best remembered for his music
scores for Dr. Lester James Peries's Nidhanaya (The Treasure) and his
last film Ammawarune (Elegy for a Mother), Golu Hadawatha (Silence of
the Heart), and Dharmasiri Bandaranayeke's Thunveni Yamaya and Jayantha
Chandrasiri's Agnidahaya. He composed music for films and teledramas of
three generation of cinema and tele-drama directors. The long list
ranges from Jayantha Chandrasiri's Dandubasnamanayato young Devinda
Kongahage's Sadisi Tharanaya. His symphonies like Maha Muhuda and Mage
Kale Mavuni will remain as masterpieces not only of Dr. Premasiri
Khemadasa but also of contemporary Sri Lankan music. Perhaps, his
signature and forte in composition is sheer amalgamation of conglomerate
of diverse traditions of music in his quest for creating indigenous
music diction.
Early part of maestro Khemadasa's life would not have been filled
with dramatic events until he concluded his formal education to commence
his trailblazing career as a member of the SLBC orchestra. He received
his formal education from Sri Sumangala College and St. John's College,
Although he was not exposed to music until the age of 11, he soon
grew an abiding love for music, playing flute, piano and accordion at
the time. It was kind of vogue at the time to learn musical instruments.
However, the turning point in maestro Khemadasa's life was his joining
the SLBC orchestra which led him to compose music scores for films.
Khemadasa, the composer was born with his debut music scores Sirisena
Wimalaweera's Roddie Kella.
We could still remember how enthusiastically Maestro Khemadasa
reminded of those who made an immense contribution to his works
including late Malani Bulathsinghala, Amerasiri Peiris and Lakshman
Joseph de Saram when we met him while composing music for Devinda
Kongahage's tele-film Sadisi Tharanaya. Malani Bulathsinghala and
Amerasiri Peiris are best products of the University of Visual and
Performing Arts and made immense contribution to the field of
music.Khemadasa particularly mentioned Malani Bulathsinghala's concert 'Maa
Da Obamaviya' and the film 'Madhu Samaya'. Maestro Premasiri Khemadasa
would have been fortunate to have accomplished entourage in his journey
for excellence. Amerasiri Peiris and Lakshman Joseph de Saram are well
versed in both oriental and occidental traditions of music. Amerasiri
Peiris though engaged in oriental music, is equally at home with many
traditions of music.
It should be mentioned here that Dr. Khemadasa's mastery in many
traditions enabled him to compose music which is distinctively Sri
Lankan in character with universal appeal. Although the influence of
Western music was predominant in Dr. Khemadasa's music, he was not
reluctant to borrow and integrate traditional note motifs from drums of
Sri Lanka.
Sumithra Peries remembers as a born genius.
"I have known Dr. Khemadasa from his early days. I found his music
creations for Golu Hadawatha and Nidhanaya were very important. It was
before him experimenting with symphonic music and with cantatas.
The melodies of Golu Hadawatha are timeless; they were not songs like
preamble for his symphonies. Even though it was for the film; he must
have been experimenting with the sounds. As he progressed, he was
developing extra ordinary talents he had. One would think most important
elements are melody and also harmony and tonality. As he progressed,
melody I think went more to the background. The melodic sense developed
in more populist way. I think his tonality of sound developed much more
and he had a kind of very energetic kind of music idiom which I do not
know anybody else, certainly has not in our Sri Lankan musical
landscape. So I think in his case, he was basically very committed man.
He took very freely all the disciplines; North Indian Classical Music ,
local music, folk music, traditional music or Western classical music .
He had melodic patterns and rhythms that textured quality of his work. I
think with time and experimentation, he found music for a film was
limiting his talents.
He was, possibly, the inborn genius and that he brought to fruition
and in the process he was neglectful of his personal health. In the
future, he will be remembered and his music will remain timeless and
state-less and modern-ness will survive with time.

Model Teacher
At Janakala Kendraya in Battaramulla, Maestro Khemadasa recalled how
generous Malani Bulathsinghala was when it comes to recognizing talents.
She once introduced a young student and requested Master Khemadasa to
take him into his fold as the student was so accomplished it was best
for master to coach him. It was rare that a teacher would hand over his
or her best student to another teacher though that student may profit
from it.
Voice and character
Remembering our Guru at this mournful juncture
Your voice was so striking and never grew old
so as the qualities
The voice so adorable
and bends beyond the intricacies of notes
fondly remembered as Guru of Nation
Was a fellow traveller with maestro Khemadasa
with versatility, humbleness and ever-willing to help
even arch foe for the betterment of the field
Music was her love and the life itself
though she was denied her due awards
She rendered her every morsel of strength
to the field and for the enhancement of talents
in the budding students
though hers were not recognized
so the scholars may blossom as lotus in the puddle of
Sri Lankan music scene
where blinds pick up thorny bushes
in place of lotus
praising them as non-traditions
-Ranga Chandrarathne
Nidhanaya, turning point in Sri Lankan film music
Maestro Premasiri Khemadasa's composing music score for Dr. Lester
James Perie's Nidhanaya was not only a turning point in his career but
also watershed in the Sri Lankan film music. Nidhanaya which was based
on a short story of the same name by G. B. Senanayake became the best
Sinhalese film in the history. No other Sinhala film, so far, has been
clever enough even to come close to it, in terms of cinema language.
Maestro Premasiri Khemadasa's music scores intensified the zest and
contributed to the overall success of the film. His fruitful
collaboration with Dr. Lester James Peries lasted for eight films
including Lester's last film Ammawarune.
Nidhanaya (The treasure)
Remembering you, the maestro Premasiri Khemadasa
It was you composed music for Nidhanaya (The Treasure)
with subtle nuances
of cinema language
hidden among the craftily composed
In your perpetual quest for truly
an indigenous music
without knowing that you
were also a treasure as the film
you composed music for....
With its affluent cinematography
brilliant portrayal of characters
your restful music scores like gems
in elegantly worked out tiara
of cinema
Fortunate thee to compose music
for Nidhanaya
which only Dr. Lester James Peiris
could create
As a goldsmith who studded gems in
an embellishment
your music scores pierced into the peerless
language of cinema
enticing and enhancing it...
- Ranga Chandrarathne
Melancholic note of departure
Once a world famous critic on music described Pirinivan Mangalya (A
Buddhist Requiem) by Maestro Premasiri Khemadasa as the most important
creation stemming from South Asia. It was no wonder that the pious
rituals performed at the passing away of Buddha in the royal garden of
Flowers of rain fell on in homage of Buddha and gods performed
miracles. The atmosphere was filled with piety as pyre of sandalwood lit
up. Amazingly maestro Premasiri Khemadasa captured the essence of
ceremony in a magical spell of notes.
Pirinivan Mangalya (A Buddhist Requiem)
Tribute to Dr. Premasiri Khemadasa
The atmosphere was most sacred and pious
as Buddha was about to pass away
in the royal garden of Kusinara
Rain of flowers drizzled in
smokes from incense sticks
pervaded the air
while Gods from numerous plains
performed miracles
in homage of the Buddha
Buy you immortalized the passing away
of the Buddha in a hymn
high prose in music
recreating the very ambience
of Kusinara
in the annals of world music
Thanks be to thee
for the everlasting scores of music
reminiscent of the Buddha
and of a great composer of our times
- Indeewara Thilakarathne |